Pages from the Book of Broken Dreams

The details…

  • Title: Pages from the Book of Broken Dreams
  • Author: Kat Jackson
  • Publisher: Bella Books
  • Editor: Alissa McGowan
  • Publication date: June 11, 2024
  • ISBN-13: 978-1642475340
  • Available formats: ebook, paperback  
  • Length: 296 pages
  • Genre: romance 
  • Themes: disenchantment, self-doubt, fear, love letting go, healing, friendship, dating, women loving women, broken dreams, vulnerability, relationship trauma

The blurb from the publisher…

Emmalynn Gallagher threw caution to the wind once—and found herself in the middle of a tornado. Needless to say, she won’t be doing that again. Now she fills her life with plans and to-do lists. Having moved home for a fresh start, Emma’s facing the ultimate re-do list when she abruptly comes face to face with Aubrey Glass, the source of Emma’s teenage yearning.

Aubrey wouldn’t recognize yearning if it tornadoed into her face, but she does recognize Emma…even if she wishes she didn’t. Socializing, especially with her past, is Aubrey’s least favorite activity. She’s tender in spots no one can see and would prefer to fade into the background.

Amidst the backdrop of towering shelves of books and the persistent aroma of freshly brewed coffee, Emma and Aubrey navigate their post-high school reunion. With plenty of fumbles and missteps, it doesn’t seem likely that they’ll manage to merge their paths, nor does it always seem that they want to…until suddenly, it’s the only thing that makes sense to either one of them.

My thoughts…

Kat Jackson possesses a remarkable ability to forge emotional connections with her readers, setting her apart as a storyteller. By delving into shared human experiences with vivid and tangible details, she crafts narratives that leave a profound and enduring impact. Readers are drawn into her tales because they become emotionally invested in the struggles, triumphs and sorrows of her characters. Through skillful storytelling, she seamlessly integrates poignant moments that resonate with her audience, allowing them to truly feel the depth of the emotions portrayed in her well-crafted scenes. Whether exploring themes of love, loss, or happiness, these emotions imbue her stories with a sense of authenticity and relatability that lingers long after the final page is turned. This unique quality is what sets her apart as a writer, and it is why I eagerly accept any opportunity to read and review her work. 

It was in November of last year that I was first introduced to Jackson’s writing. Bella Books kindly sent me an ARC of In Bloom, and I was completely captivated by it. Since then, I have been reading my way through her previous works, and with each book I finish, I am left in awe. While keeping a sharp eye and gentle touch on accurately reflecting emotions, Jackson manages to delve deep into the complexities of the human spirit. Themes are masterfully interwoven, showcasing a profound emotional depth that resonates with authenticity. What always strikes me after finishing one of her stories is the undeniable realization that Jackson truly comprehends the transformative power of storytelling.

What is it in Jackson’s storytelling that evokes such strong emotions in readers? Why do they form such profound bonds with her characters? The reason is clear. Jackson has a gift for making the storytelling feel personal and interconnective. 

I once read that there are two versions of every story. The first one is created by the author. The second one is developed through an interpretation of the author’s story via the reader. The reader takes in the author’s story and processes it, filtering it through their own experiences and understanding. Jackson taps into this phenomenon skillfully, elevating the reading experience and making it feel interactive. It’s the underlying reason why her stories leave such an impact.

Her latest release, Pages from the Book of Broken Dreams, utilizes all of the above, and that’s why it’s easily consumable. By delving into themes of disenchantment, self-doubt, fear and love, it hits on something that every reader can understand—vulnerability. The main characters find themselves a bit broken and disillusioned when their young lives change in ways they didn’t imagine. Now in their twenties, they both find themselves working in a bookstore, a place that provides a paycheck and predictable comfort. However, it also insulates them from facing the things that squeezed the life out of their dreams. It’s only when their paths cross that they are able to find the courage to confront their fears and try again, opening a new chapter in their lives.

Emma and Aubrey are written with keen emotional intelligence; it prompts readers to look inward and examine one’s own youthful dreams and pursuit of love. This is a hallmark trait of Jackson. She likes to stir up vulnerability through self-doubt and relationship trauma—in constructive ways, mind you. These characters and their struggles provide rich layers of complexity. They help influence its relatability, ultimately generating interest and investment in the story. Furthermore, Jackson uses Emma and Aubrey’s emotional baggage to push the storyline and develop their character arcs. It makes for rich, resonating storytelling, something that readers can sink their teeth into.

Final remarks…

Storytelling exposes a vulnerability within writers, and I love the way Jackson is willing to take risks with hers. Pages from the Book of Broken Dreams captures themes of vulnerability, fear, self-doubt, courage and love with a heartfelt and youthful insight that’s so relatable one can almost reach out and touch it. It’s tagged as a romance, but it’s more than that really. It’s a reminder that dreams fuel passion. Without them, life loses its shine. 


  • Emotionally intelligent
  • Well-scripted
  • Honest and tender
  • Compelling and relatable

This book is available from…

A bit about the author…

Kat is a high school English teacher living in Pennsylvania who has been buried in and under books for thirty-some years. A lifelong learner, Kat currently has two masters degrees: one in English Literature, and another in Clinical & Counseling Psychology, plus an unofficial degree in true crime podcasts. She puts far too much stock into words and has been writing since she was twelve years old. Kat is an avid collector of books, typewriters, feelings, and beat-up running shoes that carry miles of self-preservation. And also: cats. Learn more about her by following the links below.

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