My Best Plan

The details…

  • Title: My Best Plan
  • Author: Cris Ascunce
  • Publisher: Bella Books
  • Editor: Heather Flournoy
  • Publication date: March 14, 2024
  • ISBN: 9781642475111e
  • Available formats: ebook, paperback
  • Print Length: 278 pages
  • Genre: romance
  • Themes: women loving women, lgbtq rights, lgbtq history, family, culture, marriage, children, parenting, careers, relationships

The blurb from the publisher…

Architect Gene López-Pérez has everything she’s ever wanted: her daughter Susana, a flourishing career, and Isa—the love of her life and Susana’s biological mother. But when Gene is denied entry to a hospital emergency room because Susana is not biologically hers, the harsh reality of her situation begins to sink in.

Meanwhile, Isa, a trailblazing biomedical engineer, juggles her hidden family life and a career threatened by homophobia in a male-dominated field. She doesn’t dare risk losing the funding for the important medical research that she’s doing.

When Spain legalizes same-sex marriage, Gene proposes a bold solution—move to Spain, marry, and secure the parental rights she’s never known. But Isa’s refusal sparks a rift, pushing Gene to a daring decision for her family’s future.

As Gene contemplates a groundbreaking legal battle for parental rights in Florida, and Isa’s career teeters on the edge, their love faces the ultimate test. Can they bridge the divide between them, or will their dreams and duties force them apart?

My thoughts…

This book blew me away. Cris Ascunce’s narrative dives deep into the relationships people build and the connections they share with one another. Through her poignantly scripted prose, she relates the importance of family and how it not only shapes one’s life, but their romantic relationships as well. Both Isa and Gene’s family members have a strong presence in their lives. This is especially true of Martha, Isa’s mother. Martha provides a strong support system for the women as they find their way back to one another, and it’s touchingly beautiful to see. The compassion she shows towards Gene is especially heartwarming; their interactions are inspiring as well as comforting. Their bond is undeniably close and adds an emotional depth that’s real and meaningful.

It’s apparent that Ascunce has done her homework before sitting down to write this one. It comes through clearly in the text. She intricately threads culture, tradition and history into the storytelling, making it absorbing as well as compelling. Furthermore, she neatly ties it into the setting to push the narrative, honoring the LGBTQ history in honest and emotional ways. Ascunce’s approach quietly draws readers in, inspiring them to care about the characters and their families. She’s a smart storyteller, too; she provides readers with a story within a story, as this isn’t just about Gene and Isa’s journey. It is a reflection of something bigger. Through it, one might say she tells a grand love story, a tribute to all the real-life Genes and Isas that have traveled the same path and triumphed. 

Final remarks…

This is a fantastic debut. It’s intelligent and insightful. Ascunce lets readers get to know these characters on a deep and visceral level. Readers understand them and care about them. And because they do, they appreciate their joy as well as their pain as they grow and change. Gene and Isa’s backstory—as well as relevant lgbtq historical markers—is neatly woven into the narrative, making their journey compelling as well as page turning. Ascunce tells this tale with gracious compassion and respect, squeezing readers’ hearts at times. In many ways, this story represents many queer couple’s. Narratives like these are so important and need to be more present in the world. I can’t recommend My Best Plan enough. I am excited to see what Ascunce writes next. 


  • Intelligently written
  • Compelling narrative
  • Well-developed characters
  • Soundly constructed plot
  • Enticing writing style

A peek inside…


“Pampa pampa pampa!” Tito Horacio yells incoherently in my ear. He tries to sing—poorly, but God love him, enthusiastically—over the phone. In the background, Kool & The Gang belts out a cacophonous rumble of the cheesy song from the last millennium as people sing along and glasses clink. My uncle’s explosive laughter rolls through the phone, and I hold my BlackBerry away from my ear a few seconds until it dies down. Delightful as it is to hear, I wonder if he’s drunk-dialing from a party.

“¿Qué está pasando, Tito?” I yell through the phone, hoping he can hear me. Glancing at the digital clock on my computer screen, it’s after midnight in Barcelona and he’s carrying on like a college student during spring break.

“Gene. You haven’t heard? Parliament passed same-sex marriage this morning.” His voice cracks. “Can you believe it?”

“Today?” I say. “No way, not today. I knew it was coming, but I had no idea it’d be today.”

While Tito’s party guests seem to distract him, I open a tab in Safari and type Spain, same-sex marriage in the Google search box. A moment and about a thousand results later, I click on the first link. It’s a New York Times article by Renwick McLean, and right there, the bold headline with an image of the rainbow flag reads, “Spain Legalizes Gay Marriage; Law Is Among the Most Liberal.”

I flip my desk calendar to today’s date. Thursday, June 30, 2005. Well, damn. Who’da thought Spain would beat the US at legalizing same-sex marriage? Spain—the country of my parents’ birth—a Catholic country, no less.

But it’s not until I skim through the article that a few words in the second paragraph catch my eye and momentarily stop my heart from beating. “The bill, passed 187 to 147, says couples will have the same rights, including the freedom to marry and to adopt children, regardless of gender.”

I hang up with Tito and begin daydreaming, of course, because that’s what I do. If Isa and I got married in Spain, I could petition the courts there to legally adopt Susana as her second parent, and we can finally be a family. Legally! Being a Spanish citizen has its privileges: I can sponsor my wife and daughter, so they can become Spanish citizens, too. If we do all that now, by the time it’s legal in the United States, our marriage and my parental rights would be legal everywhere else, including Florida. But how much longer until that happens? It’d be easier if we did it in Spain, now. Then, I wouldn’t constantly feel marginalized when it comes to raising my five-year-old daughter. Big dreams, Gene.

The more I think of marriage as the traditional next step for couples wanting to enrich their lives and start a family, the more I think of my own precarious situation in Susana’s life, who’s my daughter in name only because we have no biological connection. Love is the only thing binding us.

In less than a month, Susana will be five years old. She’ll start kindergarten in the fall, but I shuttle her back and forth to a pre-K program now. With a notarized signature, Isa authorized me to drop Susana off and pick her up from that school. Martha, Isa’s mom, has the same privilege, sans the notarized authorization. And since I’m mostly the one who takes her to see her pediatrician, Isa signed consent forms there, too. It’s ridiculous. A puñetero authorization form is needed everywhere I go where Susana is concerned.

With all the focus on marriage, the end to my workday has arrived. I shut down my AutoCAD, sign out of my company’s network, lock the door to my suite, and walk the twenty paces it takes to get to my house for dinner.

[When I] slide open the glass door and walk into the kitchen, Isa is bent over the open oven, two juicy chicken breasts (one of them pierced with a thermometer) are laid out in a deep-dish oven pan, sitting on the center rack, and she’s poking at the birds, testing their doneness, I suppose. Meanwhile, Susana sits happily in her booster seat, hands, mouth, and dimpled chin covered in chicken juice, kicking her legs to and fro as she chomps down on a drumstick.

“Hey, G,” Isa says, peeking up at me, and I’m suddenly pulled out of this Norman Rockwell-ian portrait that’s labeled M A R R I A G E. The only thing Isa is missing is a white apron with a ruffled edge.“I made rice, and the chicken just needs to rest for a couple more minutes. You hungry? I was just about to call you.” Isa meticulously places the two breasts on a slab of butcher block, kicks the oven door closed, then saunters to the sink to fill the pan with soapy water. Routine. It’s the only thing in our lives that doesn’t change. She lives for it…

Without a word, Susana hops off her booster, walks over to me, gives me the greasiest hug, and smudges a kiss on both my cheeks. [She heads to her room and I make] a mental note to wipe down the banister, railing, and walls when I go back upstairs.

“Did you hear that Spain passed same-sex marriage today?” I ask, standing a few feet behind Isa…
“You know,” I say as I walk over to the sink and wash my hands. “Since I’m a Spanish citizen, we could, for the sake of argument, get married in Jerez, or if that’s too provincial, we can do it in Sevilla.” I pause… “We can live on the vineyard in Jerez with Don Rigoberto while we establish my parental rights over Susana.” I rush my words, so I can get them all out…What I’m thinking of doing might seem far-fetched to her, but it’s an excellent plan, if only she’d listen. “By the time same-sex marriage is legal in the States, we could either move back here or stay there, in case Florida is the last state in the union to recognize same-sex marriages and adoptions by gay people.” This might be the Sunshine State, but it’s been putting a damper on my life since I was born.

Isa fixes her eyes on me but remains silent as my hopes seem to evaporate.

“[We could] live in Spain. [We could] get married there, the law will protect us. We’d have all the rights afforded to all other married couples in Spain, including adoption. And I would be somebody in your life and in our daughter’s life over there. I’d be her recognized parent if something were to happen to you. And if something happens to me, you’d both inherit my stake in the vineyard.”

“G, my work is here. You know I’m in the middle of important research at the hospital, growing human tissue to replace mechanical heart valves. We’re building real heart valves with human tissue…in a lab! It takes time.” She folds up the towel and places it on the counter, seemingly putting an end to my daydreaming. “I won’t leave my research now. Besides I can’t. I still have another two years to fulfill my obligation. Remember, they paid my student debt. And anyway, you’re a successful architect. Your career is booming. Why would we move from here?” she asks, dramatically raising her hands in the air as she turns in a circle. “And, if something does happen to me here, I signed palimony papers making you Susana’s guardian, or have you forgotten? So, for all practical purposes, you’ll be her parent.”

“Yes but ‘for all practical purposes’ isn’t enough for me anymore. You’re forgetting that a judge for Children and Family Services has to rule in my favor for me to be her guardian. And that’s if something happens to you, but what about now? I want it to be known that I’m her mother, too.” My voice cracks. I clasp my hands together behind my back to hide their trembling.

“And,” I say calmer, centered. “If something does happen to you and I wanted to adopt her, I would have to lie about my sexual orientation.”

“Well, what’s wrong with that?” she asks. “Wouldn’t you do that for your daughter’s sake?”

“Isa,” I reply, tamping down the sudden tension headache. The pressure between my eyebrows is digging into my brain. My hands aloft, I grasp my index finger. “First of all, it’s illegal to lie on official documents, and you’d better believe that officials for the state of Florida will investigate, but regardless, I don’t think I should have to lie to adopt the daughter I helped bring into this world. That’s if something happens to you.”

I grasp my middle finger. “Second, you are required to be present to give consent for medical care. Remember what happened the first time we rushed Susana to the emergency room?”

I take a breath, trying to wipe the memory away and grasp my ring finger. “Third, I can’t sign any kind of legal document for her because I’m not her legal parent.”

Pulling at my pinky, sending pins and needles up my arm, I continue, “And fourth, I pay a tax on the benefit I receive from the firm to have both of you on my health insurance. You know, it’s a real shame my company is more liberal than this country.”

With my chest heaving, head throbbing, and stomach spinning, I give her my final point. “Isa, marriage is about more than just the bond between you and me. There are laws in place that protect the family unit. Why is that so hard for you to understand?”

“Gene, we can’t move to another country to get married,” she says with cutting finality.

“Isa, we’ve been together for fifteen years! Living together since college, officially, like most straight married couples. We’ve created a family. You won’t move to Spain so that I may feel secure in my role as one of Susana’s mothers?” I keep my voice low, so Susana doesn’t hear us argue. A bit clearer than a whisper, but my throat might as well be bleeding from forcing my words through my esophagus without involving any vocal cords.

“Gene…Where is the urgency? Why can’t you wait until Florida follows suit and legalizes adoptions for gays and lesbians?” she asks.

“Because I know what it’s like to lose both my parents and to be unprepared to live without them!” I bellow with a sob. This time, a little louder than before, and the words seem to gush out of me just as the tears sting at my eyes. “But the difference is the state knew who both my parents were. If I die right now, there’s no record of whom I loved or by whom I’m survived. Don’t you see? I have a birth certificate that says who my parents were. It doesn’t say ‘unknown’ under the word father.”

“So, you want your name on Susana’s birth certificate under the word father?” she asks, brows furrowed. “I don’t understand how that’s going to change anything.”

“Because you have no idea what it means to have a child you love, who loves you just as hard, and have zero legal connection to her. You gave birth to Susana, that is undeniable. Your name is on her birth certificate. Mother: Isabel Susana Acosta,” I say, making gestures in the air as if Isa’s name and title were top billing on a theater marquee.

“I can’t do this anymore,” I hear myself say, the words leaving my mouth in slow motion and in a deep wistful tone. I drop my arms to my sides and lower my gaze to my Reeboks. The back of my neck is stiff as tears swell in my eyes. “I’ve given this everything I have, and if you can’t at least understand where I’m coming from, then you and I have no business being together at all…”

“Ay,Wait, what?” She rounds the peninsula and steps right behind me. She puts her hand on my shoulder, and I turn to face her, shrugging it off in the process. “You’re leaving? Leaving us?”

“No, Isa.” I point a trembling finger at her. My voice is quivering. “I’m leaving you.” Never in a million years did I think I would ever utter those words to Isa. “I will still be in Susana’s life, provide for her, and co-parent her with you, the way it states in our palimony papers. I just…I can’t live here with you anymore.” Shaking my head, I turn back around and make my way to the stairs.


I turn to face her.

“Be reasonable,” she says. Stomach acid churns, melting my insides. “You won’t stay here with me if I don’t move to another country where we can get married?”

I shove my fists in the pockets of my Bermuda shorts. My head thrashing as if I’ve just come back from a Mötley Crüe concert. This isn’t an impossible task. My own parents moved to the States when the future of their family became untenable in Franco’s fascist Spain in 1969. Both sets of Isa’s grandparents did the same when they fled Castro’s communist Cuba in the early sixties. “Isa,” I say to her, after a few deep breaths. “We both knew this day was coming, let’s be honest with ourselves. I’ve loved you since I was thirteen years old, but while you’ve been playing make-believe, I’ve been building a family, a home, and a life with you.” I pound my chest again, and it’s as if my heart has stopped beating. “We’ve been lovers from the get-go, sharing a house, the chores, the expenses, and a bed. For all practical purposes, as you say, you’re my wife.”

“But, G, we’ve been best friends,” she insists, and she’s being serious, which is what’s most astonishing.

“¿Qué?” As my blood blisters, my eyes strain under the sudden pressure, I’m befuddled by her words. “No. Don’t you dare say that!” Spittle springs off my bottom lip. “Don’t you dare call me your best friend. We are a couple! Best friends don’t plan the life we’ve planned for fifteen years, they don’t sleep together, and they certainly don’t have children together. Friends don’t miss each other so much they practically starve themselves, waiting to be reunited with the other in college! You and I have never been friends, and because you only think of me as such reassures me that I am nothing to you.” I stop to give my rapid pulse a chance to ease.

“I wanted more from this relationship,” I continue. “From the life we diligently pieced together. The life you planned for us doesn’t fit me anymore! But you still don’t realize that aside from all the papers we signed, Susana is legally only your daughter. Do you get that? I can write it a hundred times in the air, and it’ll still be air and not a legal document.” I stop speaking abruptly, turn, and climb the stairs. I need to leave for my own sanity and figure out how I’m going to adopt my daughter.

“Wait. Fuck, Gene, you know I would never take her away from you, if that’s what you’re worried about!” She’s right behind me.

I wait until we’re inside our bedroom to turn around. “Really? You won’t even marry me; how can I expect you to think of me as her other parent?” As I blurt out those last words, I know I’ve gone too far and immediately regret them. But I carry on because an apology won’t help matters. “Is it really because you don’t want to move to Spain that you won’t marry me, or is it because I’m a woman?”

“I don’t see you like that,” she says. “You’re just Gene to me.”

“Well,” I say. “Gene has a pair of tits and a vagina.” I grab my breasts and then cup my crotch.

“Gene!” Isa says in a hard whisper. “Don’t say that.”

“Don’t you get it? Susana came out of your body, she shares your DNA. She looks exactly like you.” I point out our door toward her bedroom. “I need it to say somewhere that she’s my daughter, too.”

I turn and walk away, quietly making my way across the hall, leaving Isa to wonder what just happened…Ambling into the dressing room, I grab my suitcase from my side of the closet and open it over the ottoman that sits in the center of the room. I can’t stay here one more minute.

“You’re leaving now?” Isa asks, closing the door gently behind her.

“I can’t stay here with you.”


Fuck me! She’s gone.

When she left, Gene closed the side door so gently, it barely made a sound on her way out. I felt my insides spill all over [the floor].

Mother of fucking pearl!

When that breaking news alert about Spain passing marriage equality came through, I should have known Gene was going to start this up again. But she doesn’t get it. She never has. At the research hospital, I’m at the end of an infinite tug-of-war, and the rope is slipping away on my side.

Frustrated and needing some motherly advice, I pick up the kitchen phone, swiftly dialing Mami’s number.

“Hola mi niña ¿cómo estas?” Mami says after picking up on the first ring. Her voice is warm and familiar, and it’s hard to remember how contentious our relationship was once. She’s probably sitting in her plush butaca with her TV table covering her thighs, eating one of her healthier concoctions she bulk-cooked earlier in the week. She did her best cooking wholesome food after the cardiologist diagnosed my dad with a calcified heart valve. But after receiving a bio-prosthetic valve implant, he died four years later. And now that he’s gone, she probably has more vegetables on her plate than anything else. I clear my throat before answering to keep my voice from collapsing.

“Ay, Mami,” I reply with a quivering lip. “I think Gene just left me.”

“¿Qué?” she asks, incredulous. “Pero, Isabel Susana Acosta, what have you done?”

I somehow calm my frenzied weeping and answer, “She…Spain…same-sex marriage…” Okay, maybe that wasn’t calm at all.

“Take a deep breath and start from the beginning.”

This book is available from…

A bit about the author…

A Miami native, Cris Ascunce was born to Cuban immigrants. Author of the novel My Best Plan, Cris is a voracious LGBTQ rights advocate and hopes to enlighten her readers on the struggles, advancements, and setbacks the community has endured and still faces, as well as what the long road ahead has in store to reach full equity with her writing. A graphic designer by trade, she once designed collateral with catchy headlines to lure visitors to Miami; now, she writes about it in her prose. A lover of travel, reading, and animals, Cris divides her time between Miami and Spain with her wife and their canine and feline daughters.

Follow the links below to learn more about Cris…

The Gravity Between Us

The details…

  • Title: The Gravity Between Us
  • Author: Kristen Zimmer
  • Publisher: Bookouture
  • ISBN: 9781909490130
  • Publication date: October 15, 2013
  • Available formats: ebook, paperback, audiobook 
  • File length: 2408 KB
  • Print length: 312 pages
  • Audio length: 9 hours, 16 minutes; narrated by Kelly Burke and Madeline Pell
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Themes: love, women loving women, sapphic romance, coming out, friendship, Hollywood, homophobia, self-discovery, fame, fortune
  • Tropes: friends to lovers, celebrities

The blurb from the publisher…

Where does friendship stop and love begin?

At just 19, Kendall Bettencourt is Hollywood’s hottest young starlet, with the world at her feet – but behind the glamour and designer dresses is a girl who longs for normal. 

Payton Taylor is Kendall’s best friend since childhood, and the one person who reminds her of who she really is – her refuge from the craziness of celebrity life. 

With her career taking off, Kendall moves Payton to LA to help keep her sane. But Payton is hiding a secret that could make everything ten times worse. Because to her, Kendall is more than a best friend – she is the only girl that she has ever loved. 

Just as they need each other more than ever, they’ll have to answer the question of where friendship stops and love begins? And find out whether the feelings they have can survive the mounting pressure of fame…

The Gravity Between Us is a daring, romantic, emotional story about friendship, love, and finding the courage to be yourself in a crazy world.

New Adult novel: recommended for 17+ due to mature themes and sexual content.

My thoughts…

Exploring timeless themes of love, friendship, and self-discovery, The Gravity Between Us by Kristen Zimmer has captivated sapphic readers since it was first published in October of 2013. Payton Taylor and Kendall Bettencourt, the novel’s central figures, embody these themes beautifully. Zimmer combines their friendship, passion and heartache in such a way that it resonates deeply with readers. The personal experiences and emotions of these young women are echoed honestly and reverently, striking something inside readers that rings true even ten years later.

Payton and Kendall are two enchanting and captivating characters, individuals that readers can understand and care about. Crafted with relatability and depth, readers not only see reflections of themselves in these women but they are able to taste their vulnerability and desire as well. The swirl of emotion and confusion draws readers further into the story and sets the stage for an authentic portrayal of sapphic love and friendship, making this story stand the test of time.

Because Zimmer does such a great job developing Payton and Kendall, readers are easily able to fall into their story world. Zimmer’s authentic representation resonates strongly with readers. However, it is her exploration of Hollywood’s fame and fortune that really adds texture. Zimmer uses Hollywood effectively and thoughtfully, giving readers something to chew on. This backdrop provides a layer of interest to the story arc, making Payton and Kendall’s journeys more dynamic. Ultimately, the character development and narrative is enriched by all of this, ensuring that readers are engaged and invested until the end.

It is no wonder readers have loved Zimmer’s debut book for many years; there’s much to appreciate it. However, one of the most noteworthy aspects of The Gravity Between Us is its positive and nuanced portrayal of young love. Written during a time when such stories were still scarce publications, Zimmer’s depiction of Payton and Kendall’s love is pure and lovely. She addresses the complexities and challenges faced by young women questioning their sexuality and desire with a raw truth that still grabs audiences by “the feels” today. These women are on the cusp of self discovery and womanhood, and their journey is filled with an innocence readers can’t deny. Timeless and touching, this memorable love story will leave a lasting mark on all that experience it.

Final remarks…

The Gravity Between Us is a must read classic for the sapphic romance lover. It is a compelling narrative filled with relatable characters and meaningful themes. Once you read it, you won’t forget it, or wonder why it’s become one of the most cherished young adult novels of our time.

A word about the audiobook…

Kelly Burke and Madeline Pell give a fantastic performance in the audio version of The Gravity Between Us. They breathe life into Zimmer’s narrative and add an energy and depth that listeners find easy to appreciate. Their portrayal of each character is distinct and consistent. Listeners are easily drawn into the story world with their steady pacing and professionalism. This was an enjoyable and entertaining audio; I would easily listen to them again.


  • Entertaining storyline
  • Engaging romance
  • Likable characters
  • Enjoyable audio performance

This romance is available from

A bit about the author…

Kristen is a Massachusetts-based freelance writer and editor. A member of the International Women’s Writing Guild, she holds a B.A. in English with a Concentration in Creative Writing from Montclair State University. She also studied Music Performance with a focus on percussion instruments at Five Towns College. When not busy writing or burying her nose in books of the YA/New Adult fiction persuasion, Kristen enjoys spending time with her family, which includes two adorable Black Lab mixes and a very patient Better Half, and making electronic music. Follow the links below to learn more about her.

Second Night Stand

The details…

  • Title: Second Night Stand
  • Author: Karelia and Fay Stetz-Waters
  • Publisher: Forever
  • Publication date: May 21, 2024
  • Available formats: ebook, paperback, audiobook
  • Print length: 336 pages
  • Audiobook: 10 hours and 30 minutes; narrated by Wesleigh Siobhan
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Themes: friendship, family, women loving women, sapphic relationships, dance, reality television, love, casual relationships,
  • Tropes: no strings attached

The blurb from the publisher…

Prima ballet dancer Lillian Jackson is all about control—on stage and in bed. Which is precisely why she keeps her hook-ups to one night, and one night only. No strings. No phone numbers. No scones in the morning. There’s no room for mistakes, especially now that her dance company’s survival depends entirely on winning a million-dollar cash prize in one of America’s biggest reality competitions. That is, until one night with a certain curvy, blue-haired siren changes everything . . .

As burlesque dancer “Blue Lenox,” Izzy Wells is the queen of on-stage seduction. Almost no one knows that she’s close to losing everything—her theater, her home, and her troupe—unless she wins this competition. Now she’s going toe-to-toe with a gorgeous ballerina in front of the world. The chemistry between them is hot, but even more distracting are the feelings they’re starting to develop. There’s no way Lillian can fit Izzy into her life, and Izzy knows better than to fall for someone who can’t put her first. But if they can make it through the show with their hearts and dreams intact, they just might win the biggest prize of all.

My thoughts…

Second Night Stand is a captivating novel written by best-selling author Karelia Stetz-Waters and her spouse, Fay. Though Karelia individually has nine novels to her name, she maintains that many of the best ideas came from Fay. Since Fay has been a big part of Karelia’s brainstorming for years, co-authoring a book seemed inevitable. In fact, it was something they had been talking about for quite some time. However, it was paramount to them that their story included things that are important in strong relationships, like healthy communication, especially during sex. They believe it’s sexy to see this kind of communication in sapphic fiction. I agree; I’m glad they made sure to weave it into Second Night Stand’s narrative. It’s what makes it so much fun to read.

Though this is their first collaboration, it doesn’t feel that way at all. I’m sure much of that stems from their familiarity with one another. Together, they have a fresh and unique writing style, one that’s filled with wit and wisdom. Scenes include a charming sense of humor and keen insight. This enables readers to gain a relevant perspective on the complexities of Blue and Lillian’s relationship. In addition to that, their script  flows nicely and allows for emotions to play out organically. This provides the narrative with believability, making the storytelling relatable and reliable.

What stands out most about Karelia and Fay’s style, however, is their vivid and immersive descriptions. Their word smithing makes the story world appear three dimensional. Events and places, especially those that involve the reality show competition, are not only interesting but exciting. As Blue and Lillian navigate the talent show, the Stetz-Waters duo knows just how to use imagery to increase the tension and keep readers invested. Readers can not help but cheer for these two women, making the ride to HEA a roller coaster of fun.  

This is a character driven story, and Karelia and Fay do their work here, too. These are strong, independent women, but Karelia and Fay give them relatable flaws and vulnerabilities. These are likable, appealing women that readers enjoy getting to know. However, the writers are cognizant of the fundamentals of character development; they make sure to provide measurable depth and growth while constructing the arcs of these women. Blue and Lillian’s complex portrayal comes off as genuine and authentic, allowing readers to form a connection with them. It doesn’t hurt that their chemistry is off the charts either. Theirs is an unexpected love filled with possibility and passion. Quite simply, their romance resonates, making the journey wholeheartedly worthwhile.

Final remarks…

Second Night Stand gives readers much to appreciate. The storytelling is layered and nuanced, making for a reflective, yet compelling reading journey. The smooth pacing ensures balance between the slower, introspective moments and the faster, exciting scenes. The well-written dialogue is infused with humor. It facilitates a certain degree of levity, making the heavier, emotional moments lighter yet impactive. The characters are well-designed and multi-dimensional; they more than carry their weight. Readers witness their struggles, conflicts, and triumphs, creating a depth and complexity to the storytelling that sticks. This is an excellent first book for the Stetz-Waters team. I look forward to their next collaboration.


  • Strong character development
  • Relatable, reliable storytelling
  • Nice balance of conflict and tension
  • Engaging storyline
  • Diversity and representation

This book is available from…

A bit about the authors…

Ambassadors of real-life happily-ever-after, Fay and Karelia Stetz-Waters have been together for twenty-three years. They live in Albany, Oregon with their pug-mix Willa Cather and a garden full of dragonflies and hummingbirds. Their writing process involves many afternoons spent at local coffee shops and brewpubs outlining scenes, going over drafts, and high fiving each other. The process works beautifully. Second-Night Stand is their first novel together but definitely not their last.

Late Bloomer

The details…

  • Title: Late Bloomer
  • Author: Mazey Eddings
  • Available formats: paperback, ebook, audiobook
  • Print publisher: ‎St. Martin’s Griffin, a division of Macmillan Publishers
  • Print publication date: April 16, 2024
  • Print length‏:‎ 400 pages
  • Audio publisher: Macmillan Audio
  • Audio publication date: April 16, 2024
  • Audio narrator: Ellie Gossage
  • Audio listening length: 9 Hours, 30 Minutes
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Themes: love, women loving women, self-discovery, grief, friendship, family, mother/daughter relationships, sapphic romance, bisexuality, neurodiversity, pursuing happiness, coming into one’s own self
  • Tropes: enemies to lovers, forced proximity

The blurb from the publisher…

Winning the lottery has ruined Opal Devlin’s life. After quitting her dead-end job where she’d earned minimum wage and even less respect, she’s bombarded by people knocking at her door for a handout the second they found out her bank account was overflowing with cash. And Opal can’t seem to stop saying yes.

With her tender heart thoroughly abused, Opal decides to protect herself by any means necessary, which to her translates to putting almost all her new money to buying a failing flower farm in Asheville, North Carolina to let the flowers live out their plant destiny while she uses the cabin on the property to start her painting business.

But her plans for isolation and self-preservation go hopelessly awry when an angry (albeit gorgeous) Pepper Boden is waiting for her at her new farm. Pepper states she’s the rightful owner of Thistle and Bloom Farms, and isn’t moving out. The unlikely pair strike up an agreement of co-habitation, and butt heads at every turn. Can these opposites both live out their dreams and plant roots? Or will their combustible arguing (and growing attraction) burn the whole place down?

My thoughts…

Mazey Eddings’ Late Bloomer is a charming and engaging romance. Its delightful narrative explores growth and maturation with keen insight, offering readers a sweet, sapphic romance that easily resonates. Eddings’ ability to balance humor and raw emotion is noteworthy; she uses it to deliver a fun book with a bit of substance.

The story follows Opal Devlin, whose life takes a strange turn after winning the lottery. Looking for a fresh start and a place to grow her painting business, she purchases a flower farm in Asheville, North Carolina via Facebook Marketplace. However, her plans are thrown into disarray when she discovers the sale may not have been on the up and up. When Pepper Boden, the supposed rightful owner, enters the picture, Opal’s idyllic notions of farm life are squashed. Forced to coexist on the farm until the ownership can be sorted out, Opal and Pepper do nothing but chafe and irritate one another. Over time, however, the dynamic between the two shifts and an unexpected attraction develops. As this de facto relationship slowly blooms, readers quickly flip through the pages to find out if it will become a floral tribute or a whoops a daisy.  

Eddings does a nice job developing Opal and Pepper. They are multifaceted characters with delightful personalities; readers easily form a connection to them. Their “grumpy/sunshine” dynamic is smile worthy, making this slow-burn romance an enchanting read. What’s more, the storytelling is filled to the brim with Eddings’ joyful, animated tone, making Late Bloomer the perfect vacation read.

Final remarks…

Eddings does a nice job with this heartfelt depiction of love and relationships. Told with raw, refreshing tenderness, Late Bloomer is both captivating and engaging. Readers will enjoy this happily-ever-after.

A word about the audiobook…

If you are one that prefers to listen to books, Ellie Gossage delivers a polished, emotive, and nuanced performance in Late Bloomer’s audiobook adaptation. Her narration style and range are quite distinctive; it provides her with the ability to give voice to Eddings’ multidimensional, layered characters. Her highly skilled, passionate narration is nothing short of immersive and captivating; she simply makes the storytelling come to life. It is easy to see why she is considered one of the top audiobook narrators in the industry; her performance in Late Bloomer is exemplary.

Late Bloomer’s Strengths…

  • Well-written
  • Entertaining 
  • Fresh & original
  • Heartfelt and tender

This story is available from…

A bit about the author…

Mazey is a neurodiverse author, dentist, and (most importantly) stage mom to her cats, Yaya and Zadie. She can most often be found reading romance novels under her weighted blanket and asking her fiance to bring her snacks. She’s made it her personal mission in life to destigmatize mental health issues and write love stories for every brain. With roots in Cleveland and Philadelphia, she now calls North Carolina home. Follow these links to learn more about her:

In the Shadow of Victory: A Lesbian Historical Novel (Shadow Series Book 4)

The details…

  • Title: In the Shadow of Victory
  • Author: J. E. Leak
  • Publisher‏:‎ Certifiably Creative LLC
  • Publication date: December 22, 2023‏
  • ISBN: ‏ 1955294089
  • Available formats: ebook, paperback
  • File size: 2322KB
  • Print length: ‏330 pages
  • Genre: historical romance
  • Themes: love, WW2, undercover government spying, espionage, women loving women, friendship, survival, loyalty, forgiveness

The blurb from the publisher…

Victory isn’t always the end of the story.

Paris, 1944.

As OSS agents Kathryn Hammond and Jenny Ryan navigate the dangerous world of espionage, they are faced with the ultimate test of love and loyalty. Can their love overcome the obstacles in their path, or have time and the shadows of the past cost them a second chance at happiness?

Join Kathryn and Jenny on their journey of forgiveness, healing, and devotion, as they discover the strength of their love in the thrilling conclusion to the sapphic noir Shadow series.

Note: This is the fourth and final book in the Shadow series. Reading the books in order is highly recommended.

My thoughts…

In the Shadow of Victory by J.E. Leak is a remarkable conclusion to the Shadow Series. It offers readers a captivating sapphic romance that seamlessly blends espionage, suspense, and love against a rich historical backdrop. The narrative takes readers on a thrilling journey through a landmark time in history, exploring the lives of two intriguing women as they find love and solace amidst the unease and destruction of World War II. This series has garnered much attention among sapphic readers, and it’s easy to see why.

One might think Leak has written at least a dozen books by the way this latest flows across its pages. However, In the Shadow of Victory is only her fourth book. With this, she has clearly demonstrated that she is a gifted and capable storyteller. Her ability to craft complex and relatable characters makes the storytelling stand out. The lead characters, Kathryn and Jenny, are both strong-willed and independent women who defy the societal norms and expectations of the era. She does a fantastic job developing them; their love story is beautifully depicted, employing a delicate balance of passion and tenderness.

Sapphic representation in literature is important as sapphic readers crave a broader range of perspectives and reading experiences. For this, Leak deserves high praise for her portrayal of Kathryn and Jenny. Their wlw representation is beautifully crafted and comes across as authentic and heartfelt, especially considering the historical time period. Leak incorporates the social issues and obstacles faced by lesbians with sensitivity, and this further highlights Kathryn and Jenny’s determination to live authentic lives despite the societal pressures. Readers feel like their love affair is celebrated with sensitivity and devotion, and because its development feels organic and genuine, the romance works. In the end, Kathryn and Jenny’s love is the natural evolution of two souls drawn together against societal constraints, government obligations and war. It has impact and it sticks with readers long after they finish the last chapter.

Not only does Leak do a wonderful job developing Kathryn and Jenny as a couple, she shines at developing their individual personas as well. These are relatable, complex characters. Each one grapples with unique insecurities and pressures due to their obligations to the war. This complicates their relationship to one another as well as their loyalty to the OSS. Leak threads this well-scripted tension neatly throughout the narrative and readers find themselves easily connecting with Kathryn and Jenny—vulnerabilities, flaws and all.

As significant as Kathryn and Jenny are, they don’t work without their supporting cast. These secondary characters have always been notable contributors to the Shadow Series’s story arc and they continue to do a remarkable job in this final installment. These characters complement the storytelling with their well-drawn design, adding depth and nuance to the narrative. Furthermore, their distinct traits and motivations contribute in meaningful ways without overshadowing Kathryn and Jenny. From friends and family to fellow spies and adversaries, each person plays a compelling, crucial role in the storytelling.

Because In the Shadow of Victory is a historical fiction, I would be remiss not to mention how well played Leak’s knowledge of World War II is within this story. Set against the backdrop of the war, Leak creates an immersive story world for readers. Her meticulous attention to historical details easily transports them into the chaos of war-torn Europe, creating believable drama and tension. What’s more, she seamlessly weaves the events of WWII into the narrative with masterful grace, making the storytelling read as authentic. All in all, these sharp-eyed details provide an engaging depth that any history enthusiast would appreciate.

Final remarks…

Leak’s In the Shadow of Victory is sure to keep readers flipping pages long into the night. The storytelling is as captivating as it is praiseworthy. If you enjoy well-researched historical fiction with queer representation, then this book is definitely worth adding to your TBR pile.


  • Immersive storytelling
  • Captivating characters
  • Well-constructed story world
  • Well-developed secondary characters
  • Historically authentic

This book is available from…

A bit about the author…

J.E. Leak was born in Washington, DC, and grew up on the beautiful South Jersey shores of Long Beach Island. An antiques conservator by trade, she has always been fascinated by history and the stories objects could tell if they could speak. When she isn’t bingeing 1940s noir films, she’s writing or photographing nature on the spring-fed azure rivers of Central Florida. She has an Associate of Science degree in graphic design and is a devoted night owl. To learn more about her, click on the links below.

Like They Do in the Movies

The details…

  • Title: Like They Do in the Movies
  • Author: Nan Campbell
  • Publisher: Bold Strokes Books
  • Editor: Jenny Harmon
  • Publication date: December 14, 2023
  • ISBN: 9781636795263
  • Available formats: ebook, paperback, audiobook
  • File size: 1286 KB
  • Print length: 288 pages
  • Audiobook: 11 hours and 41 minutes; narrated by Lulu Larkin
  • Genre: contemporary romance 
  • Themes: finding true love, learning to trust, family, movies, following one’s dreams, women loving women
  • Tropes: celebrity romance, boss/employee

The blurb from the publisher…

The Dream: rich and famous screenwriter of hilarious sapphic rom coms.
The Reality: pushing out trashy celebrity gossip for cash.
The Grand Plan: advance career by engineering a celebrity takedown.

Fran Underhill’s adoration for the entertainment industry is in flames, transformed into a loathing of celebrity culture and all those who benefit from it. When a personal assistant gig for one of Hollywood’s most popular actresses falls into her lap, Fran is determined to use the experience to her advantage with a series of tell-all articles. Just enough clickbait to get her next screenplay sold. Now if only she can ignore that ferocious and inconvenient attraction to her new employer.

Chelsea Cartwright—actress, mother, and ex-wife to Hollywood royalty—is struggling. A competent new assistant will do much to ease her burdens, but who could predict the intense and long-buried feelings Fran would awaken. And what will the fallout be when she finds out Fran is a member of the gossip media—with Chelsea’s public destruction in her sights.

My thoughts…

I knew when Nan Campbell’s debut novel, The Rules of Forever, was chosen for a Lambda Literary Award, she would be one to watch. Three books later, that theory still holds true. Her talent continues to drive her to the top and make her a fast favorite among sapphic romance readers. Her newest book is a testament to that.

Like They Do in the Movies’s storyline involves an often-used trope—a celebrity falling in love with a non-celebrity. Sapphic romance readers seem to enjoy this trope because it provides a glimpse into the glamorous and often mysterious world of Hollywood. Their themes of fame and fortune provide readers with a place to enjoy the challenges of navigating a relationship that circles the public eye and the media. The interplay between the characters’ public and private personas also supplies built-in conflict for the narrative. This conflict ultimately paves the way to exposing vulnerabilities, increasing the emotional depth of the story. It’s pure escapism, and Campbell understands how to capitalize on it big time, enabling her to deliver something special for her readers.

Like They Do in the Movies is a romance that needs to be savored, though. It’s a slow burn, and Campbell uses the pace effectively, letting the romance between Chelsea and Fran unfold organically. Using time and space, she gradually builds the anticipation, tension, and chemistry. This is smart writing, especially considering the trope. Portraying the relationship in an unhurried manner fosters a deeper connection between the characters, ultimately making the romance feel more authentic. What’s more, it paves the way for reader investment, inviting readers to care about Chelsea and Fran. When the end comes, the resolution resonates in a satisfying and meaningful way.

With the completion of book three, it’s clear that Campbell is a skilled writer. It appears she works hard to hone her craft and make each book better than the last. Her research is strong, and her use of literary devices is on the money. As far as Like They Do in the Movies goes, it’s the secondary characters that nudge readers’ attention. Helen, Petal, and Lorraine subtly stir growth within Chelsea and Fran, making their change appear genuine. When all is said and done, these creative decisions benefit not only the development of the characters but the overall story.

Final remarks…

Like They Do in the Movies is a real treat for fans of celebrity romances. It contains all the necessary elements that make it entertaining—fame, glamour, media intrusion, and undeniable chemistry. This romance resonates; it’s skillfully written, immersive and sure to delight. If you’re a fan of Tinseltown romances, it needs to be on your reading list.


  • Well-written, compelling narrative
  • Well-scripted dialogue
  • Well-constructed, likable characters
  • Immersive, entertaining story world
  • Original twist on an old trope

This book is available from…

A bit about the author 

Nan Campbell grew up on the Jersey Shore, where she first discovered her love of romance novels as a kid, spending her summers at the beach reading stories that were wholly inappropriate for her age. She was, and continues to be, a sucker for a happy ending. 

She is a seasoned traveler, having visited many countries across six continents, and hopes to make it to the seventh someday. She hates to cook but loves to practice her cocktail-making skills. She also loves karaoke, which is unfortunate for anyone within range of her singing voice.

Nan and her wife live in New York City, where they struggle to balance their natural homebody tendencies with all the amazing things the city has to offer.

Links to the author…

Out at the Plate: The Dot Wilkinson Story

The details…

  • Title: Out at the Plate: The Dot Wilkinson Story
  • Author: Lynn Ames
  • Publisher: Chicago Review Press
  • Publication date: October 17, 2023
  • Available formats: ebook, paperback, audiobook
  • Print length: 241 pages
  • Audiobook length: 6 hours (Narrator: Stephanie Németh-Parker)
  • Genre: biography
  • Themes: women’s sports, professional softball, family, friends, love

The blurb from the publisher…

It’s not simply that Dot Wilkinson was one of the most decorated women’s softball players, bowlers, and athletes of all time and one of the original players from the three-time-world-champion PBSW Phoenix Ramblers softball team (1933–1965). Nor was it the length of her time here on Earth—over a century—although any of these things by itself would be impressive.

The magic of Dot’s story is in the details. It’s the tale of a childhood spent in poverty, an indomitable, unbreakable spirit, a determination to be the very best to play whatever sport she undertook, the independence to live her personal life on her own terms, and her tremendous success at all of it.

Over more than a decade of countless conversations and interviews, Dot shared all of it with her dear friend, author Lynn Ames. Dot held nothing back. Out at the Plate, told through the lens of Dot and Lynn’s friendship, is the story of a forgotten era in women’s history and sports, and one extraordinary woman’s place at the center of it all.

My thoughts…

Out at the Plate: The Dot Wilkinson Story by Lynn Ames is a captivating biography that chronicles the remarkable journey of Dot Wilkinson, a trailblazing athlete who shattered gender barriers and paved the way for future athletes in women’s sports. Through meticulous research and passionate storytelling, Ames takes readers on a thrilling ride, delving into Dot’s early childhood in Phoenix, her professional ball-playing days with the PBSW Ramblers, and her inspiring twilight years. Drawing from the unique bond she shared with Dot, Ames puts a warm spotlight on Dot’s resilience, compassion, and commitment—not just for athletics but for all the treasured things in her life.

Although Ames is most known for her sapphic fiction, Out at the Plate clearly demonstrates that she’s a natural at capturing the beauty and essence of one’s life. This book not only pays homage to Dot Wilkinson’s incredible legacy but also sheds light on the struggles she faced during a time when women’s talents were often disregarded. The narrative is deeply rooted in softball history and offers readers a glimpse into the challenges female athletes faced during the mid-20th century. From the societal norms of the time to the camaraderie of teammates and coaches, Ames paints a vivid picture of Dot’s life.

Ames’ writing style is captivating, drawing readers in from the very first page. Her prose is eloquent and evocative, showcasing Dot’s experiences on the baseball diamond as well as off it. The structure is well-paced and smooth, transitioning seamlessly between Dot’s early years, her time with the Ramblers, and her life after softball. Ames skillfully weaves together historical facts and personal anecdotes with clarity and depth, creating a narrative that is both informative and emotionally compelling.

Final remarks…

Out at the Plate: The Dot Wilkinson Story is a commendable tribute to a true pioneer, one that helped transform the game of softball forever. Ames gracefully captures the essence of Dot’s journey, and it truly resonates with readers. This book not only celebrates Dot’s achievements but also serves as a reminder to give thanks to those that came before us; without trailblazers like Dot, we would still be trying to navigate a rough course. This inspiring true tale of perseverance and triumph is a must-read for anyone interested in women’s sports.


  • Inspiring
  • Captivating
  • Engaging
  • Resonating

This book is available from:

A bit about the author…

Lynn is the best-selling author of sixteen novels covering genres as diverse as historical fiction, thrillers, and contemporary romance. Lynn’s fiction has garnered her a multitude of awards and honors, including six Goldie awards, the coveted Ann Bannon Popular Fiction Award (for All That Lies Within), the Alice B. Medal for Lifetime Achievement, and the Arizona Book Award for Best Gay/Lesbian book. Lynn is a two-time Lambda Literary Award (Lammy) finalist, a Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Award finalist, a Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards Honorable Mention winner, and winner of several Rainbow Reader Awards.

Lynn is the founder of Phoenix Rising Press. She is also a former press secretary to the New York state senate minority leader and spokesperson for the nation’s third-largest prison system. For more than half a decade, she was an award-winning broadcast journalist. She has been editor of a critically acclaimed national magazine and a nationally recognized speaker and public relations professional with a particular expertise in image, crisis communications planning, and crisis management.

Lynn, her wife, Cheryl Pletcher, and their various fur kids reside in Asheville, North Carolina.

Get in touch with Lynn Ames through…

I Know About You

The details…

  • Title: I Know About You by Erin Kaste
  • Author: Erin Kaste
  • Publisher: Bold Strokes Books
  • Publication date: October 10, 2023
  • Available formats: paperback, ebook
  • File size: 1309 KB
  • Print length: 292 pages
  • ISBN ‏ : ‎ 1636795137
  • Genre: mystery/suspense/thriller
  • Themes: murder, women loving women, Texas school systems, elementary schools, single parents, first loves, lgbtq, friendships, secrets, cover-ups

The blurb from the publisher…

Elementary school teacher Cary Smith thinks she has finally outrun her secrets. She’s avoided attention all her life, but the moment beautiful Tina Flores joins the faculty, Cary wants to be noticed. Although the school has a zero-tolerance policy toward anything “immoral,” Cary dares to pursue Tina, and they begin a relationship nobody can know about—not Cary’s friends, co-workers, or ex-girlfriend.

But then strange things begin to happen, and before long, Cary isn’t sure who she can trust. When someone begins leaving ominous messages and finally breaks into her apartment, Cary fears losing her job or even her life. With her stalker inching closer to the truth, she’s forced to face the past she’s tried desperately to forget.

My thoughts…

It’s very hard to believe that this is Erin Kaste’s first book. She masterfully leverages all the necessary literary elements to not only capture readers’ attention, but make their hair stand on end. There is an unbelievable level of talent on display within these pages; the likes of it are rarely seen in first time authors of this genre. In fact, I haven’t been this impressed with a book in this category since Clare Ashton’s The Tell Tale, a 2022 Golden Crown Literary winner.

Right out of the gate, Kaste sets the tone and grabs readers’ attention. The opening scene is quite gripping and lays the groundwork for the tension and suspense that’s to come. In those very first pages, she offers readers a truly compelling and unique premise, one that sparks curiosity as well as intrigue. 

The characters in this cleverly woven tale are beyond compelling. They are multi-dimensional, complex human beings that possess relatable strengths and flaws. Their personal challenges not only add depth to their character arcs but the story arc as well. Their backstories are neatly threaded into the overreacting plot and contribute to the ongoing tension and suspense. Readers are invested in their journey as they navigate the twists and turns that unfold during the story; it ultimately feeds an empathy for the characters that lingers long after the final paragraph has been read.

Mystery and suspense lovers will appreciate the thought that went into the mapping and development of this story. Kaste gradually builds the tension throughout the narrative, using pacing, suspenseful moments and unexpected twists to keep readers engaged. The foreshadowing is spot-on too; Kaste drops subtle hints and clues throughout the storytelling to build anticipation and bring readers closer to solving the mystery. Yet, at the same time, she incorporates a few red herrings to maintain uncertainty. It all plays out so well on the page; there’s no way readers won’t be impressed.

Final remarks…

I Know About You is one rollercoaster ride of suspense and thrills! Readers will be kept on the edge of their seats with Kaste’s well-paced plot and unexpected twists. The jaw-dropping moments are so superbly and intricately executed that they leave readers guessing until the very end. This is a noteworthy debut and Kaste has done a commendable job with it. I can’t wait to read her next one.


  • Well-written
  • Well-developed
  • Solid character development
  • Solid story world construction
  • Engrossing
  • Entertaining
  • Must read for any suspense lover

This book is available from…

A bit about the author…

Erin Kaste was born and raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where she got in trouble at school for writing instead of doing the rest of her work. She began violin lessons at the age of four, went on to earn a degree in violin performance from the Eastman School of Music, and became a professional musician. After a brief public school teaching stint, she settled in Memphis, Tennessee, where she is currently a member of the Memphis Symphony Orchestra as well as their personnel manager.

Away from writing and music, she loves running, hiking in the mountains, road trips, and channeling her grandmother as she raises African violets and Christmas cacti. She shares a home with her wife, their two teenagers, two dogs, and two cats.

If you are interested in learning more about Erin Kaste, click on the following links below.

If I Know About You appeals to you, you may also enjoy…

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Soul Food Stories

The details…

  • Title ‏ : ‎ Soul Food Stories
  • Authors‏ : ‎Jenn Alexander, Virginia Black, Jacob Budenz, Anna Burke, Ann McMan, Cathy Pegau
  • Editors : Salem West & Christel Cogneau
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Bywater Books
  • Publication date ‏ : ‎ October 17, 2023
  • Available formats‏ : ‎ ebook, paperback
  • File size ‏ : ‎ 2737 KB
  • Pint length ‏ : ‎ 169 pages
  • Genre : Fantasy fiction
  • Themes : baking, cooking, demons, goblins, witches, vampires, magic and women loving women

The blurb from the publisher…

Salem West and Christel Cogneau have assembled a powerhouse lineup of Bywater Books and Amble Press authors to explore, subvert, and reinvigorate the bountiful feast of All Hallows phantasmagoria in this stunning collection.

To the living, “soul food” has a specific meaning, history, and flavor. But what does “soul food” mean to the demon, ghost, fiend, witch, spirit, or vampire? How does their ingenuity and wit rise and fall in the taking, baking, erasing, embracing, and defacing of sustenance?

West and Cogneau have challenged their authors to explore these and other questions in surprising and fascinating ways. Sometimes sweet and other times terrifying, sometimes warm or otherwise demented, these stories set the table for an otherworldly feast of delight and intrigue.

Featured stories include:

“The Five Year Revenge Agency” by Anna Burke
“Tilly’s Tarts” by Jenn Alexander
“Of the Air and Land” by Jacob Budenz
“Ravenous” by Virginia Black
“In Speary Wood” by Cathy Pegau
“Perhaps You Missed My Signs” by Anna Burke
“Ghost Writer” by Ann McMan

My thoughts…

Anthologies are always a mixed bag. Often two or three of the short stories sound intriguing, but the others conjure doubt. Soul Food Stories, however, is not a gamble. These carefully curated short narratives have been assembled with real intent and purpose, making Soul Food Stories something that’s dynamic as well as noteworthy.

Salem West and Christel Cogneau are the editors of this little gem and they knew what they were doing when they collaborated with these fine authors. This collection is meticulously edited to highlight each writer’s distinct style and voice, effectively creating something that is diverse as well as compelling. This is no hodgepodge mashup of writings thrown together just in time for Halloween. It is organized with sedulous intent. Furthermore, it’s ingeniously designed; it showcases what one can find inside Bywater Books. Their talent, both accomplished and emerging, is top notch, and this anthology underscores that. Each story is full flavored and lush, making one wish they could make a whole meal of it. Perhaps one day readers can, as any one of these narratives would make an excellent full-length novel.

Besides being solidly written and well curated, this craftily edited collection possesses a unified and cohesive theme that’s bound together beautifully. That thematic unity, as the title would suggest, is food, and it allows readers to immerse themselves in an engaging exploration of it within a “spooky” and speculative world. The bottom line is this: Food not only links the stories together, it makes the reading journey fun.

Final remarks…

Soul Food Stories is a delightful and delicious treasure trove of captivating stories. While each one offers something different, all are well-written and entertaining. I’d highly recommend serving yourself this treat; it’s a smorgasbord of goodness!


  • Well-designed
  • Well-edited
  • Well-written
  • Engaging and compelling storylines
  • Entertaining reading experience

This book is available from…

A bit about the creators…

Editor Salem West is the publisher of Bywater Books and a former trustee of Lambda Literary—she co-authored a Lambda Literary Award finalist in 2014. Co-editor Christel Cogneau is a banking professional and former board member of the Golden Crown Literary Society. Anna Burke is an award-winning author who earned an MFA from and teaches Creative Writing at Emerson College. Jenn Alexander is an award-winning author who holds an MS in Counseling from the University of North Texas. Jacob Budenz is a queer writer, multi-disciplinary performer, educator, and witch with an MFA from the University of New Orleans and a BA from Johns Hopkins University whose work explores the intersections between otherness and the otherworldly. Virginia Black likes strong whiskey, loud music, and writing, though not necessarily in that order—her stories are deep, dark, and often otherworldly. Cathy Pegau is the award-winning author of horror, science fiction, and fantasy novels—she lives in Alaska and is on a first-name basis with numerous moose. Ann McMan is a two-time Lambda Literary Award-winning author who is also an award-winning graphic designer. Learn more about all of them at Bywater Books.

A Lady to Treasure

The details…

  • Title: A Lady to Treasure
  • Author: Marianne Ratcliffe
  • Publisher: Bellows Press
  • Publication date: October 15, 2023
  • ISBN: 978739710163
  • Available formats: paperback
  • Length: 300 pages
  • Genre: Regency romance
  • Themes: marriage, duty, family, friendship, falling in love, business, aristocracy, European history, world history, women loving women, forbidden love
  • Tropes: friends to lovers

The blurb from the publisher…

Louisa Silverton is the daughter of a wealthy American businessman, brought up to believe a healthy profit is the only route to happiness. With the family company over-leveraged and in need of a capital injection, she travels to England to find a rich husband.

The Honourable Miss Sarah Davenport has no time for romance. The family estate of Kenilborough is mired in debt and only she can save it. Unconventional and outspoken, Sarah is dismayed that somebody as intelligent and attractive as Louisa is willing to sacrifice herself for financial gain.

As Louisa pursues her campaign, Sarah realises her objections to the project run deeper than mere principles. At the same time, Louisa finds herself captivated by Sarah’s independent spirit. Yet to indulge their unexpected passion would surely mean the ruin of both their families. Bound by duty, will they ever be free to follow their hearts?

My thoughts…

A Lady to Treasure is a historical romance that’s set during England’s Regency era, a time in which King George III’s son served as a Regent. George IV’s reign as ruler is marked by significant political changes. It’s also known for its lasting impact on British society and the arts. Writers love the Regency era; it’s been greatly romanticized in poems, books, plays and movies. It’s a category of fiction that likes to put emphasis on dialogue, social conventions and manners. Readers of this genre can be sticklers though when it comes to its nuances. Marianne Ratcliffe, however, can stand tall because she has shown a discerning eye for weaving the elements of Regency romance into her narrative with aptitude and grace. She handily pens love, desire and same-sex relationships into this tale, making it engaging as well as compelling. Furthermore, she challenges gender roles and puts them to work. This is respectable story crafting. Fans of this particular brand of fiction should take note.

Readers will find this novel different but satisfying. Ratcliffe takes a trope that’s popular among sapphic readers and keeps it fresh, tying it together with a unique perspective on the Regency era. It is well scripted and presents readers with an intriguing window to female responsibilities and friendships during the early 1800’s. Furthermore, the attention to detail allows for a deeper understanding of the role and influence women had during this time period. It’s evident that Ratcliffe has done her research, as historical context and impacting events are accurately reflected on the page. Her ability to explore the social norms, customs and challenges faced by these women is alluring and seductive, as is the story world they reside. Readers will easily fall into the pages of A Lady to Treasure.

Since this is a Regency romance, Ratcliffe is guided by its traditional precepts. Therefore, this is a slow-build romance. Furthermore, the steamy moments are implied, not displayed. Ratcliffe employs a “fade to black” technique when things heat up between Sarah and Louisa, taking care to use decorum in the bedroom, so to speak. Make no mistake though, the chemistry between these two women is there. It’s well developed, relatable and engaging. Ratcliffe, by the nature of the genre, appropriately places more emphasis on their emotional connection and courtship, leaving the details of their explicit physical encounters to the imagination. She artfully conveys sexual tension, passion and desire through the use of well-placed literary devices such as description, metaphor and allegory. By implying sex through these techniques, the characters—as well as the readers—are left with a deeper connection to the romance.

Final remarks…

Without a doubt, A Lady to Treasure offers an easy escape into a much romanticized era. The witty banter, stolen glances and forbidden love effectively work to provide a captivating and compelling story. This is a solid piece of fiction. Sapphic Regency era romance lovers will surely delight in it.


  • Well-written
  • Engaging storyline
  • Well-drawn characters
  • Immersive story world
  • Attention to historical details

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A bit about the author…

Marianne Ratcliffe grew up in Lincolnshire. A biochemist by training, she has always found creating new worlds and interesting characters every bit as rewarding as discoveries at a laboratory bench. She had short stories published in literary magazines and was runner up in the Guildford Book Festival short story competition in 2010. In 2017, redundancy spurred her to focus on creative writing; the result being The Secret of Matterdale Hall, a sapphic romance/mystery set in the Victorian era. The book was a finalist in the Golden Crown Literary Society Awards for 2023. Her latest book, A Lady to Treasure, a Regency romance inspired by the life and character of Anne LIster (aka Gentleman Jack) is due for publication in October 2023.

Marianne currently lives in Cheshire with her wife and two dogs. For more information about her, check out the links below.