When Worlds Collide

The details…

  • Title ‏ : ‎ When Worlds Collide
  • Author ‏ : ‎ Erin Zak
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Fierce Femm Media
  • Publication date ‏ : ‎ February 27, 2024
  • Available formats‏ : ‎ Ebook, Paperback
  • File size ‏ : ‎ 5530 KB
  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 371 pages
  • Genre : contemporary romance
  • Themes : bisexuality, exes, theatre, Broadway, the movie industry, acting, writing, women loving women, falling in love, soul mates, friendships, romance roadblocks
  • Tropes : celebrity, long distance relationships, love vs career, age-gap, whirlwind romance

The blurb…

In the glittering world of Broadway, where dreams take center stage and the city that never sleeps pulses with life, Heather McCarthy, a dazzling Broadway actress at the zenith of her career, meets Grace Elliott, a celebrated romance novelist poised to see her latest masterpiece leap from the pages to the silver screen.

As the two women from different worlds collide, their connection is electric, their passion undeniable, and a love story unfolds. But fate, of course, has other plans. Heather and Grace confront a heartbreaking ultimatum when Grace’s movie adaptation demands Heather as its leading lady. The catch? The studio forbids any off-screen romance between the two.

With hearts torn asunder, their relationship takes an unexpected twist. Through late-night texts, phone calls, and voicemails, the flame of their connection refuses to be extinguished as they grapple with the tantalizing prospect of a love that could either defy all odds or shatter beneath the weight of industry expectations.

In the heart-stirring third act, Heather and Grace must confront the ghosts of their choices and decide if their love is worth the sacrifices demanded by fame and fortune. Will they rewrite the script of their lives, or will their careers that seemingly brought them together become the very thing that tears them apart?

My thoughts…

Erin Zak creates some of the best characters; readers easily connect with them. Such is the case with When Worlds Collide’s Heather and Grace. They possess a unique mix of qualities that make them admirable, yet relatable. They are complex women with vulnerabilities and strengths that resonate with readers, leaving quite an impression. Zak is somewhat of a master at this. She loves playing with real and raw vulnerabilities within her characters. She knows exactly how to balance the positive and negative energies within her leading ladies, and it elevates the storytelling. The result is a compelling narrative that readers care about.

This isn’t Zak’s first celebrity romance; she’s written a couple of others. Through them all, she’s shown that she knows how to give readers behind-the-scenes glimpses into a lifestyle that readers find captivating. She plays up the magic—glamorous women, designer clothing and fancy parties— while exploring the challenges of fame, public scrutiny and media attention. In regards to When Worlds Collide, she pursues the impact of Heather’s celebrity status as it concerns personal insecurities and issues. While the contrast between fame and normalcy is well played in this novel, it’s Heather and Grace’s romantic journey that truly hooks readers. The shared moments, the doubt and insecurity, the pressure from Hollywood execs—it’s intense and captivating.

While the love affair between Heather and Grace is a bit of whirlwind, Zak manages to keep it real by focusing on the trust, respect and commitment it takes to build a relationship. This registers with readers, making the storytelling more impactive and personal. What’s more, readers become emotionally invested in their journey; that’s largely due to the fact that she places them inside gorgeously scripted scenes. The nuance, tone and dialogue feel authentic and honest. She includes experiences that are not unique to celebrities; they are relatable to all. They are plausible challenges and opportunities, ones faced everyday by the ordinary individual. And while the celebrity romance does draw readers in, it’s the vulnerabilities exposed by life and the love gained by risk that keep the story most compelling.

Final remarks…

For the longest time The Road Home was my favorite Zak book. Then, she wrote Home for the Holidays and Heidi stole my heart. (No pressure, Erin, but could we see more of her someday?) Now, Zak has written this gem and I’m at a loss to say which book is my most favorite. It’s hard to choose. I think I love Zak’s writing because she understands her characters and that transfers to the page. Vulnerabilities are split wide open and readers cannot look away. They can only embrace it and love it.


  • Fantastically drawn, memorable characters
  • Captivating storyline
  • Wonderful secondary characters
  • Well-written dialogue
  • Well-scripted scenes
  • Gorgeous love story

This book is available from…

A bit about the author…

Erin Zak has written over ten full-length, standalone novels. Her first book, Falling into Her, was a Goldie finalist for Best Debut Novel. Breaking Down Her Walls and Create a Life to Love were both Lammy finalists for Lesbian Romance.

Erin currently resides in Florida, away from the snow and cold, near the Gulf coast with her wife and their two dogs, Hanna and Eleanor. She actually hates the sweltering heat and can’t wait for the day when her wife okays a move to Colorado. When she’s not writing, she’s obsessively collecting Star Wars memorabilia, planning the next trip to Disney World, or whipping up something delicious to eat in the kitchen. She also produces a weekly podcast called The Weekly Wine Down with her best friends, Jackie D, Stacy, and Stacey. 

If you’d like to know more about Erin, click on the following links:


The details…

  • Title ‏ : ‎ Quiver 
  • Author ‏ : ‎ Rachel Spangler
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Brisk Press
  • Publication date‏ : ‎ February 7, 2024
  • Available formats‏ : ‎ebook, paperback
  • File size : 907 KB
  • Length ‏ : ‎ 360 pages
  • Genre ‏ : ‎ romance
  • Themes ‏ : ‎ self growth and reflection, women loving women, family expectations, resolving past hurts, community, horses, archery, mending broken relationships, ex lovers, redemption, first loves
  • Tropes ‏ : ‎ ice queen, second chance, enemies to lovers, celebrities

The blurb from the publisher…

Enter the exciting world of horse archery with the heavily anticipated new sports romance from award-winning sapphic author Rachel Spangler

Kye Manchester is no stranger to ambition. She sacrificed more than she cares to admit to become a highly acclaimed actress. Now more than a decade after her big break, her prospects are waning, and in a moment of desperation, she tells a lie that sends her spiraling back to where she started, and to the one woman she swore she’d never let herself need again.

Fletcher Bouchard isn’t just Kye’s first love and her greatest heartbreak, she’s also a world-champion mounted archer in a unique position to help Kye gain the skills she needs with a horse and bow, only she has no inclination to do so. Tensions flare immediately after Kye returns to their small hometown, and neither woman knows how to back down where the other is concerned. Driven, wounded, and resentful, they also happen to be the only person in each other’s lives who understands how to walk the razor’s edge between sanity and obsession.

The two women reluctantly agree to work together under the common goal of getting back to the lives they each built in spite of the other. However, during long days and nights of training, embers of the past rekindle fires hot enough to incinerate their defenses. As arrows and tempers fly, will passion burn hot enough to push Kye and Fletcher past old patterns in search of true healing? Or will the sharp point of lingering pain shatter their second chance at the love story of a lifetime?

Quiver is an enemies-to-lovers, ice queen romance about the power of love, redemption, and the choices that make us who we are.

My thoughts…

Quiver is one powerful love story! It had me feeling all kinds of things—frustration, compassion, joy, and finally, satisfaction. Spangler really takes readers on a journey with this one, and it is so worth it. They experience an emotional connection with the characters, making it a completely absorbing read. For those who have ever loved another intensely and consumingly, it resonates in intimately familiar ways.

Spangler impressed me with this novel. Not only is it well-written, but it’s emotionally in touch with the realities of first loves and complex relationships. It’s not rushed, ensuring that the character arcs are authentically built. Spangler focuses on contrasting but relatable experiences that allow Kye and Fletcher to evolve organically. Furthermore, Spangler avoids predictable stereotypes and emphasizes the characters’ emotions in a nuanced and meaningful way. The result is a compelling and affecting narrative, and it’s hard to put down.

Final remarks…

As per usual, Spangler does their homework and creates a rich, vivid story world for readers to explore and enjoy. Their veritable and detailed descriptions paint a setting and storyline that feels credible and true. This attention to detail provides readers with dependable, investable characters—ones with genuine depth. Kye and Fletcher’s struggles, triumphs, and relationships are portrayed with veracious modulation and definable shading, allowing readers to connect on a personal and emotional level. Furthermore, their well-rounded development addresses significant challenges, showcasing real, genuine growth. This all makes for some reverberating and compelling storytelling, and I highly recommend it.


  • Well-written
  • Compelling, engaging storyline
  • Raw, honest character development 
  • A poignant and tender tale

This book is available from…

A bit about the author…

In 2018 Spangler joined the ranks of the Bywater Books substantive editing team. They now hold the title of senior romance editor for the company and love having the opportunity to mentor young authors.

Spangler lives in Western New York with wife, Susan and son, Jackson. Their family spends the long winters curling and skiing. In the summer, they love to travel and watch their beloved St. Louis Cardinals. Regardless of the season, Rachel always makes time for a good romance, whether reading it, writing it, or living it. 

If you’d like to know more, check out their website and social media.

You Had Me at Merlot

The details…

  • Title ‏ : ‎ You Had Me at Merlot
  • Author ‏ : ‎ Melissa Brayden 
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Bold Strokes Books 
  • Publication date ‏ : ‎ February 13, 2024
  • Available formats ‏ : ‎ ebook, paperback, audiobook 
  • File size ‏ : ‎ 1291 KB
  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 264 pages
  • Audiobook listening length : 10 hours and 37 minutes (Narrator: Lula Larkin)
  • Genre ‏ : ‎ contemporary romance 
  • Trope ‏ : ‎ second chances
  • Themes ‏ : ‎ love, family relationships, long-time friendships, ex lovers, small businesses, community, grief, finding love, women loving women, taking risks, self-growth, trust, rebuilding relationships

The blurb from the publisher…

What do you get when you combine a sweet cinnamon twist and robust Italian wine? Bestselling author Melissa Brayden’s You Had Me at Merlot, the perfect blend of sugar and spice.

Bordeauxnuts is New York City magic, and it all belongs to Jamie Tolliver. A charming coffee and doughnut spot by day, Bordeauxnuts transforms with a sprinkle of powdered sugar into a cozy sophisticated wine bar each evening. Jamie’s enjoying a blueberry latte with her quirky band of regulars when a stunning and enigmatic stranger saunters in, flips her laptop open, and Jamie’s world upside down. Each time Jamie speaks to Leighton Morrow, her crush multiplies. She’s drawn to Leighton’s captivating presence, her kindness, and the faint lip print she leaves on her cup that winds a tingle up Jamie’s spine.

But sexy spine tingles can be deceiving.

Leighton Morrow didn’t set out to ruin anyone’s life, but she has a job to do. As a development coordinator for Carrington’s Department Store, Leighton’s part of the team that plans to take over the city block for the new location, including demolishing her new favorite café, Bordeauxnuts. A shame, but that’s life. She’ll miss the apple fritters and the cute owner. But work is a No Feelings Zone and she definitely cannot give in to the ones she has percolating for Jamie. Leighton and Jamie have all the ingredients to turn their attraction into love, but it’s a recipe for disaster.

My thoughts…

Melissa Brayden has written 25 full-length novels since she started writing in 2011. Her first book, Waiting in the Wings, is still one of my all-time favorites. In recent years, she’s been producing two to three books each year; that’s quite a pace for an author! I’ve been on ARC teams and proofread for authors for several years now and I understand the time it takes to develop quality storytelling. It’s a tedious process. Yet amazingly, Brayden shoulders through the writing regimen like a champ and churns out one best seller after another. (As I write this, You Had Me at Merlot sits at number one in new releases—impressive!)

So, how does she do it? Obviously, she’s very disciplined and structured in her work ethic. However, that doesn’t fully explain the orange best seller banners on Amazon. The answer to that resides in talent, pure and simple. She’s a natural storyteller; it’s probably baked into her genes. On top of that, she understands what readers want in a romance—to experience the thrill and joy of falling in love. So, she gives them heroines that are relatable—women that are smart, capable, and attractive. Then, she lets readers feel the thrill of capturing another woman’s heart, a journey that is filled with desire and consequence. Hearts get bruised and broken along the way, but readers can always count on Brayden to mend them before they turn the last page.

In You Had Me at Merlot, she has quite a bit of mending to do as hearts really get squeezed. Readers feel their pain as the two take a slow and bumpy ride back to a second-chance. The road is long and readers may want to tug their hair out at times, but the journey is worth it. Each step is emotionally charged, complex and heartfelt, making You Had Me at Merlot a compelling read.

Jamie and Leighton are vintage Brayden characters in that they tick all the boxes. They have: 1) distinct and unique personalities 2) interesting, solid relationships with other characters (be prepared to be delighted by several of Brayden’s backlist characters making their way into the script), 3) compelling, dynamic backstories, 4) realistic goals and motivations, and 5) transformative change. More than all of that though, they are extremely likable. They worm their way into readers’ hearts quickly and make a nice home there. These are women that people are drawn to in real life, flaws and all.

Another thing that makes You Had Me at Merlot a standout is the supporting characters. Brayden has always excelled at creating interesting, unique supporting casts, but this one might be the most memorable. Not only does she use them to develop Jamie and Leighton character arcs, they also help provide subplots, solidify themes, and even offer comic relief. These characters serve as love interests, friends and family members who create the side dishes for the main course, the romance. In general, they just make the story more interesting; they aren’t just background chatter. They are fully realized individuals with their own personalities, dovetailing seamlessly into the plot and not overshadowing it. The story is richer because of them, making it a more dynamic read in the end.

Final remarks…

You Had Me at Merlot is filled with fun, flirty banter and cute moments. Beware: this is a journey, though. It takes a minute for the girl to get the girl. However, that’s what I appreciated about it; it gave Jamie and Leighton time to fully develop, paving the road for a more believable romance in the end. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys honest, vulnerably told, second-chance romances. It’s absolutely worth the read.


  • Engaging storyline 
  • Enjoyable, well-crafted narrative 
  • Lovely, well-developed characters
  • Fantastic secondary characters
  • Cleverly planted “Easter Eggs”
  • Heartfelt and emotionally sincere dialogue

This book is available from…

A bit about the author…

Melissa Brayden is a multi-award-winning romance author, embracing the full-time writer’s life in San Antonio, Texas, and enjoying every minute of it. 

Melissa is married and working really hard at remembering to do the dishes. For personal enjoyment, she spends time with her Jack Russell terriers and checks out the NYC theater scene as often as possible. She considers herself a reluctant patron of spin class, but would much rather be sipping merlot and staring off into space. Bring her coffee, wine, or doughnuts and you’ll have a friend for life.

Interested in knowing more? Click on the links below.

Wedding Balloon: A Sapphic Novella, SFMS Book 8

The details…

  • Title ‏ : ‎ Wedding Balloon
  • Author ‏ : ‎ Alexi Venice
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Palmer Publishing
  • Publication date ‏ : ‎ February 7, 2024
  • Available formats ‏ : ‎ ebook, paperback, audiobook
  • File size ‏ : ‎ 1636 KB
  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 1636 KB
  • Audiobook ‏ : ‎ 4 hours and 31 minutes, vitual voice
  • Genre ‏ : ‎ romantic supernatural mystery/thriller
  • Themes ‏ : ‎ women loving women, romance, commitment, wedding planning, family, children, parenting, discovery, marriage, love, friendship, espionage, danger

The blurb from the publisher…

√ Sapphic Novella
√ Romance
√ Part of a series but can be read as a standalone
√ A perfect way to sample The San Francisco Mystery Series
√ A wedding with action, adventure, and a touch of fantasy

The eagerly anticipated day has arrived for Dr. Jen Dawson and Agent Amanda Hathorne to exchange wedding vows at a breathtaking destination on the California coast. Best friends and soulmates, Jen and Amanda have triumphed over a myriad of obstacles, ranging from an unexpected pregnancy to the perils of Amanda’s dangerous, all-consuming career.

Despite the lingering drama and trauma from their recent missions—Jen’s valiant efforts in the hospital during a bioterror attack and Amanda’s covert mission with Roxy and Tommy—they are determined to create a jubilant, romantic, and unforgettable wedding weekend.

Perched on a cliff above Rainbow Beach, the idyllic wedding site is adorned with a magnificent wedding arch, fresh flowers, and a satin runner strewn with rose petals. Cherished family and friends have gathered to witness Jen and Amanda’s love for each other, and on the surface, everything appears to be going according to plan.

However, a cloud of unease shrouds Amanda as struggles with bizarre visions and ominous premonitions that make her question her own sanity. Despite her unwavering love for Jen and the desire to seal their commitment, her newly-acquired powers of perception are feeding her information that is overwhelming, threatening to throw her off her game.

Meanwhile, Tommy grapples with life-altering news but is reluctant to share it with Jen and Amanda for fear his situation might dampen the celebratory atmosphere. Compounded by his internal struggle over whether to join Amanda at Central Missions, a covert CIA division, he is at a personal and professional crossroads.

As the wedding weekend unfolds, unforeseen forces conspire to break the iron-clad bond forged by Jen, Amanda, and Tommy in both their co-parenting roles and careers. The wedding weekend will no doubt be unforgettable, but will they survive it?

My thoughts…

Readers love Alexi Venice’s San Francisco Mystery Series, and it’s not without good reason. Each new book offers a compelling mix of mystery, drama and romance, keeping readers engaged throughout. Venice’s original mysteries have been praised for their well-developed characters and intricate plot lines. Their trademark blend of love, humor and suspense hooks readers and has them flipping through the engaging storylines.

If you haven’t read any of the books from the San Francisco Mystery Series, now’s a good time to start. Wedding Balloon marks new beginnings for SFMS’s characters. Readers watch as Jen, Amanda and Tommy discover new things about themselves and their loved ones, prompting changes for them, their careers and their families. It’s a San Francisco Mystery so there are plenty of captivating twists and turns that keep the storytelling fresh and exciting; Venice always knows how to give her readers a non-stop, action-packed read.

Even though this is a novella, there are a myriad of things to appreciate about this latest installment. First and foremost, the mystery, humor and romance are nicely balanced. Not one overshadows the other. In fact, they work in equal measures to complement and enhance the storytelling. This balance provides a contrast between the dark and the tender moments, heightening the emotional impact of the story. Furthermore, it provides the narrative with opportunities to explore the complexities and challenges that lie within Amanda and Jen’s relationship. The end result is a more dynamic story, one that readers will not only find compelling but interesting.

As far as the plot, Wedding Balloon is no different than any of the others in the series. It’s well developed and well designed. Venice employs her usual craftsmanship and scripts plenty of high stake, roller-coaster moments, keeping readers invested until the very end. Furthermore, she carefully plants clever clues and red herrings within the narrative, ensuring that the tension is at a fast and fluid pace. Though the ending does give readers what they want—Jen and Amanda’s wedding, readers will be left with lingering questions. However, one has to remember that this is an ongoing series, and Venice always leaves enough room for future developments—as any well-designed series should. Fans of SFMS are accustomed to this though and hopefully won’t have to wait long for book nine. In the meantime, they can head back to book one, and enjoy Jen and Amanda’s journey again…


  • Entertaining
  • Engaging
  • Fresh
  • Well-developed
  • Could be read as a stand alone

This book is available from…

A bit about the author…

Award-winning author Alexi Venice’s legal and crime thrillers with LGBTQ leads serve up deadly appetizers, spicy main dishes, and HEA desserts. Her bestselling legal thriller, Standby Counsel, A Monica Spade Novel, received the 2020 Lesfic Bard Award in Mystery and was named The Best Legal Thriller of 2021 by BestThrillers.com. 

Venice is a member of International Thriller Writers, Golden Crown Literary Society, the Crime Writers’ Association, and Romance Writers of America. 

Thirty-four years of practicing law informs Venice’s legal, medical, and crime fiction. Her heart, imagination, and life experience are the pesto on the pizza.

Venice and her husband love wrangling grandchildren and dogs at their Wisconsin home.

Connect with the author…

Appalachian Awakening

The details…

  • Title: Appalachian Awakening
  • Author: Nance Sparks
  • Publisher: Bold Strokes Books
  • Publication date: January 16, 2024
  • Available formats: ebook, paperback 
  • Digital file size: 1414 KB
  • Print length: 240 pages
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Themes: women loving women, class disparity, friendship, adventure, hiking, camping, self-discovery, love, personal growth, the beauty of nature, community, self-actualization, self-awareness, reflection, endurance, the Appalachian Trail
  • Tropes: friends to lovers, opposites attract, rich girl/poor girl

The blurb…

Facing yet another failed relationship and a full-blown identity crisis after losing her job in a corporate merger, unemployed executive Amber Shaw realizes she hasn’t been happy in a long time. Who is she if not a CEO, and if everything she’s worked for hasn’t made her happy, what will? Inspired after learning about the Appalachian Trail, Amber sets off in hopes of figuring it all out.

Leslie Brown lives life on her own terms with nothing to tie her down. She’s an experienced hiker and has one final trail left on her bucket list, the Appalachian Trail. Only problem, all her friends have settled down and started lives that don’t allow for seven months away from responsibilities. She’s out there alone.

Amber and Leslie assume they are polar opposites based on their first impressions of each other, but the more their paths cross, the more this hike of a lifetime begins to look like a love of a lifetime.

My thoughts…

Appalachian Awakening by Nance Sparks is a heartwarming and transformative journey of self-discovery and love set against the backdrop of the Appalachian Trail. The story revolves around Amber Shaw, a young woman yearning for personal fulfillment after losing her high-powered executive job and girlfriend. It shakes her to the core and makes her question who she is and what she wants from life. After a few drinks and a couple of rewinds through the movie Wild, she decides to mimic Cheryl Strayed and search for her own answers on the Appalachian Trail. As she begins her sojourn, she meets Leslie Brown, a seasoned hiker with her own story to tell. Despite their initial differences, they form a deep connection during their months-long journey. Their love story–filled with friendship and the glory of the great outdoors–is as delightful as it is compelling.

Sparks does a fine job constructing this story. She nails down the seven critical elements of story writing like a pro. First and foremost, she creates a well-structured plot that’s developed around clear and solid story mapping. It facilitates an arc that consists of meaningful, relevant, and time-bound plot points, making the storytelling credible. Furthermore, the arc—coupled with Sparks’s well-planned story world—institutes physical challenges and tests of endurance that push introspection and reflection. It all leads to organic tension and true character growth, something that hooks readers until the end.

While Sparks’ story construction is noteworthy, her character development deserves appreciation as well. Amber and Leslie are relatable and multidimensional women with clear, understandable motivations. Readers understand these women; they care about them. Right from the beginning Sparks grabs readers’ emotions by scripting a strong opening and inciting moment, one that unveils both Amber and Leslie’s true desires and fears. Their misguided truths, things they’ve believed all of their adult lives, are slowly unraveled during this trek, making their transformation impactive with the readers. 

Even though the main characters do the bulk of the work in Appalachian Awakening, the secondary characters need praise as well. Sparks uses them to create tension and balance within the storytelling. On top of that, these characters work to advance the sub-plot, even giving it a twist. Most importantly though, they provide depth and complexity to the storytelling, making the whole reading experience more memorable. This is especially true of Sue as she fulfills the role of “confidant” in the narrative. Her relationship with Amber–along with her distinct and unique personality traits–elevates the storytelling, making her one character readers won’t soon forget.

Construction and character development aside, Sparks also gets high marks for her style and literary choices. Her descriptive writing is simply enchanting; she skillfully captures the essence of the Appalachian Trail, captivating readers with all its grandeur and wonder. Her immersive prose evokes a strong sense of place with readers, so much so that it’s transportive. One can feel both the splendor and unyielding severity of the wilderness as Amber and Leslie put one foot in front of each other, conquering the 2,190 miles of trail together. Additionally, Sparks’ first-person point of view elevates the storytelling by lending insight into the characters’ thoughts and emotions, thus creating a connection between the readers and the narrative. Her style not only pulls readers into the story world but excites their imaginations, poking at their fantasies and making them wonder what it would be like to achieve what Amber and Leslie did.

Final remarks…

Appalachian Awakening is not just a story—it’s a celebration of the human spirit. Nance Sparks’ descriptive, well-constructed narrative explores the wild, untamed world of the Appalachian Mountains while immersing itself in themes of self-discovery and love, making this book a must-read for sapphic readers and nature lovers. Its rich and vivid portrayal of Amber and Leslie’s journey on the Appalachian Tail is curated with care. Their journey to self-fulfillment and love will leave a lasting impression long after the final page has been turned.


  • Well-written, descriptive prose
  • Immersive story world
  • Emotional and honest dialogue
  • Likable, investable characters
  • Heartwarming romance

A peek inside…

This is awful. Should we stop and pitch our tents?” The air was so cold and damp that my windproof gear didn’t feel like it was living up to its name. I pulled my sleeves down around my clenched fist, trying to retain a touch of body heat.

“With this wind, it would be better to find a shelter. Never know when or where a tree limb could come down. This is looking much worse than what was in the forecast. Do you think you can make it another couple of miles to Low Gap Shelter? It’s seven miles closer than where we planned to sleep.”

“I trust you. I’ll do whatever you think is best.” I pulled my head down and forced myself to plot along.

She slowed her pace until we were side-by-side. How about some conversation to pass the time? Let’s see, how’d you word it back at Springer? ‘I hope I find what I’m looking for, else, I hope I find what I need.’”

“Yeah, it was something like that.” That was exactly how I’d worded it. Should I have been flattered or creeped out that she memorized my trail motto word for word? “What’d you write?”

“An epically original, ‘Last of the scenic eleven,’ followed by my trail name. That was all that I was willing to share with the public.”

“What aren’t you willing to share?” I asked, hoping she would answer, and the uncertainty in my life wouldn’t be the topic of conversation.

“You first. Your words really struck me. What do you hope to find? What wasn’t working in your life back home that a new job and a new girl couldn’t fix?”

“You want to have that conversation right now? Out here in the freezing wind and rain?” I turned to look at Leslie. My hood slapped rhythmically against the side of my face.

“Why not? Do you have somewhere else to be?”

“Are you going to call me a Wild hiker if I say that, at this moment, another job and another girlfriend sounds pretty damn nice?”

“Everything sounds better than trecking when the weather is this cold and nasty, but we’d never finish if we only hiked on the nice days. How would you have answered if I’d ask you yesterday?”

“Can’t you leave it be?”

“Come on, I really want to know. It’s not a tough question.”

“But it is, if I don’t know the answer.” I stopped abruptly and threw my arms in the air. “I don’t know, okay? I don’t know what I hoped to figure out. I don’t know what it is that Isn’t working in my life. I don’t know what I’m looking for or where to find it. I don’t know anything. I just fucking don’t know!” The urge to throw something was instant and overwhelming. I picked up an open pinecone, one that could adorn a festive winter decoration once dipped in sparkling glitter. I cocked my arm back and released it with everything I had. The wind caught it and whipped it right back at me with much more force. A direct hit to my chest. “Jesus. Apparently I don’t even know how to throw a fucking pinecone.”

Instantly, I regretted my outburst. Definitely not the behavior of a seasoned executive. I was sure I looked and sounded as ridiculous as I felt. I half expected Leslie to turn and simply walk away. I certainly would have if I’d been on the other side of that tantrum, Yet, she remained at my side and even reached for my hand. Her touch had an incredible grounding effect.

“I think that’s the realist you’ve been since we met.”

“What do you mean?” Thank goodness for the rain, because I was on the verge of tears.

“You’re edited. You think through every word that comes out of your mouth. Tell me I’m wrong.”

I stared at her, trying to figure out what to say. Well, shit, that totally proved her point. “What do you want from me?”

“I want you to let me in. I want to know the you that no one else gets to know.”

This book is available from…

A bit about the author…

Nance Sparks is a Goldie Award winning author of lesbian romance. She lives in south central Wisconsin with her spouse. Her passion for photography, homesteading, hiking, gardening and most anything outdoors comes through in her stories. When the sun is out and the sky is blue, especially during the golden hour, Nance can be found on the Wisconsin River with a camera in hand capturing shots of large birds in flight. To learn more about Nance, visit her website and social media.

All Things Beautiful

The details…

  • Title ‏ : ‎ All Things Beautiful
  • Author ‏ : ‎ Alaina Erdell
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Bold Strokes Books
  • Publication date ‏ : ‎ January 16, 2024
  • Available formats‏ : ‎ ebook, paperback
  • File size ‏ : ‎ 1333 KB
  • Print Length ‏ : ‎ 312 pages
  • Genres ‏ : ‎ Contemporary romance
  • Themes ‏ : ‎ the art scene, New York City, artists, friendship, motherhood, children, abusive relationships, family, found family, love, women loving women, sapphic relationships, lgbtq relationships, bisexuality, Financial gap/Class disparity, Blue Collar families
  • Tropes ‏ : ‎ student-teacher romances, friends to lovers

The blurb from the publisher…

Leighton Vaughn’s prestigious fine art atelier—and her life—appear to be settling down after a messy divorce. She prioritizes her daughter, art, and, teaching—that is until gifted Casey Norford joins the close-knit New York academy.

Casey didn’t receive the artistic education she expected from her degree, but a spot at Atelier Vaughn will remedy that. Even more than the opportunity to study with the famed Leighton Vaughn, Casey wants to give her son a stable childhood that won’t resemble her own. She’s not sure of the true extent of her artistic talent, but she’s keenly aware of her attraction to her instructor, and that attraction appears mutual.

Their sticky teacher-student relationship puts the future of the atelier in jeopardy, and Leighton’s obsessive ex tracks her down. Will they sacrifice everything to be together?

My thoughts…

All Things Beautiful by Alaina Erdell is a mesmerizing novel that effortlessly combines romance and art, providing readers with a unique and impressionable tale. The book’s smartly-crafted prose and well-developed characters lend themselves to an enjoyable and captivating read, one that hooks readers from beginning to end.

The novel centers around two likable main characters. Their chemistry is strong, and readers are invested in their romance immediately. The engaging narrative follows Leighton Vaughn, a renowned artist and teacher, and Casey Norford, a talented artist and mother, as they navigate the complexities of their love amidst a complicated teacher-student relationship. Erdell’s intricate portrayal of their teacher-student relationship adds complexity and depth to the romance, immersing readers into the lives of these two women. Leighton and Casey’s struggles are emotionally involved, delving into personal aspirations and family responsibilities, making the storytelling not only relatable but engrossing.

This immersive tale offers a compelling perspective on the complicated interplay between desire and sacrifice. This, of course, is the foundation for the love these women share. Leighton and Casey’s journey to HEA traverses pain and hardship, but it ultimately leads them to a deeper understanding of themselves and the human experience. Erdell does a nice job showcasing this within her narrative; readers experience the resilience and transformative power of love, along with the true beauty that can be found within it.

Erdell’s ability to create romantic tension while capturing the inherent beauty of art is as fascinating as it is seductive. Her well-crafted descriptions of the painting process, along with all its nuances, capture the essence of art and make it come alive for the reader. However, one does not need to be an art enthusiast to appreciate the story world Erdell has created. Through a gentle introduction of technique and terminology, readers are afforded a window into the world of art. Her ability to do this is commendable. Still, those familiar with her work should not be surprised. Her debut book, Fire, Water, and Rock, achieved much of the same, making a story’s subtext inviting and accessible for all to explore.

Final remarks…

Filled with the complexities of life, the beauty of art, and the joy of finding true love, this heartwarming love story is an absorbing and enjoyable read. Leighton and Casey’s journey, though encumbered with setbacks and hardship, ultimately leads them to a deeper understanding of character, commitment, love, and family. Sapphic readers will no doubt be enchanted by this lovely, immersive tale.


  • Solidly written
  • Well-developed characters
  • Engaging romance
  • Intriguing story world
  • Compelling secondary characters

A peek inside…

“Look at that.” Casey’s voice came out a degree above a whisper. She couldn’t have torn her gaze from the canvas if the building were on fire. “It’s magnificent.”

She inched closer and stared at the captivating nude lying half on her side, half on her stomach, her breasts pressed into the bed. Sunlight streamed in from an unseen window, illuminating her curves and the folds of the sheet.

Casey’s breath quickened, and a strong temptation to reach out and run her hand along the woman’s body, to explore each hill and valley, almost overcame her.

The painting drew her to it with a magnetism she’d never experienced from a work of art. She wanted to feel the thickness of the sheets between her fingers and touch the draped creases of the fabric. The material looked smooth like percale and translucent where the sunlight hit it. Despite the warm invitation of the painted room, the tableau portrayed a solemn mood, as if she’d intruded on a private moment. Her heart pounded.

Beside her, Mark leaned in. “God, that’s beautiful.” He gestured to the placard. “It’s Leighton’s.”

“Leighton’s.” Casey’s tone sounded reverent, even to her. Tears stung her eyes, and she tried to blink them away.

Mark turned in a circle, scanning the room. “Oh, I just realized. Our instructors painted all the art in this gallery. The pieces on this wall are Leighton’s, and those over there are Stefan’s.” When she didn’t answer, he studied her. “You’re pale. Are you all right? You should’ve eaten more for breakfast.”

She continued to stare at the painting.

“You’re not going all Stendhal on me, are you?”

More people entered the room as he poked fun at her. His quip broke her trance. She laughed and took a step back. “Of course not. I don’t believe in that sort of thing. I just like it.”

Mark exhaled a low, even breath. “I’d give my non-brush hand to paint like that.” He glanced at his phone. “I wonder how much longer we have. I’m going to find a bathroom.” He headed toward the front.

A ding sounded. Someone else arriving? No, it wasn’t the buzzer at the front door. But neither the thought nor the noise distracted her from admiring the stunning image in front of her some more.

She leaned closer to view the brushwork. At this distance, her nose inches away, she often found herself in trouble in museums by either setting off alarms or receiving verbal warnings from the gallery attendants. However, she couldn’t become the artist she yearned to be if she couldn’t examine the brush strokes. The accent light mounted on the ceiling highlighted the exquisite, intricate details of the work, but when Casey tilted her head for an even better look, instead of finding the individual strands of the woman’s hair depicted, as she’d expected, masses of tone comprised it. What appeared as blocks of light and dark up close became lustrous waves when Casey stepped back.

And when she did, she smacked into someone.

“Oh! I’m so sorry.” She tried to regain her balance, and the firm hands on her shoulders helped. “I didn’t know anyone was behind me.”

Those same hands, strong and steadying, turned her.

Casey stood face-to-face with Leighton Vaughn. If the painting had captivated her, the woman who’d painted it put her awe into perspective.

When she’d imagined this day, she’d envisioned Leighton in artist’s garb, like paint-splattered coveralls and a bandana, but she wore an impeccable gray skirt and matching jacket, crisp white shirt, and knee-high black boots that hugged her calves. Her glossy, light brown hair brushed her shoulders. More than all that, though, she had a regal presence with her straight back and confident air.

One single thought occupied Casey’s mind. Damn. Leighton’s Wikipedia photos hadn’t affected her like this. Nor had her reputation or the acceptance letter to Atelier Vaughn she’d received. Or even the full-ride scholarship. What was this?

Leighton’s intense brown eyes enthralled her the most. Like a shot of espresso, they possessed a richness and depth. Casey had a sense she knew her, although she was certain they hadn’t met before. She’d have remembered. They stared at one another a beat before Leighton squeezed Casey’s shoulders, then released her.

“Steady now?”

Casey’s mouth went dry. “I am, thanks. And sorry, I didn’t know you were there.”

“You mentioned that.” A gleam of amusement flashed in Leighton’s eyes.

What a lousy first impression. Maybe if Casey didn’t mention her name, Leighton might forget who almost bowled her over. But what could she say? “Did I hurt you?” It was the only thing that came to her.

Leighton executed a graceful wave down the length of her torso as though advertising a Murano glass vase on the Home Shopping Network. “Do I appear injured, Casey?”

So much for going incognito.

“No. You look great.” Oh, no. Had her voice lowered? Had her eyes lingered anywhere too long? Heat climbed up her neck and face, all the way to the tips of her ears. “I mean—” She cleared her throat. “No, you don’t look injured.” She swallowed and motioned like Leighton had done, but her movement looked clumsy, like she had a broken wrist. “You look…normal.” She wanted to bolt outside and throw herself into traffic. It’d be less painful than this conversation.

“Normal?” Leighton arched her eyebrow. “No one’s ever given me a compliment quite like that before.”

Casey winced. Kill me now. She rubbed her eyes. “Can I start again?” She indicated the painting. “This did something to me, so I blame you. From the moment I saw it, I’ve been a bumbling, babbling mess.”

“You blame me?” Leighton appeared to be holding back a smile.

The tiny lines near the corners of her mouth that Casey hadn’t noticed before now captured her attention. Staring. She was staring. She spun around, fixating on the painting. Its allure bewitched her again. “This is one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen in my entire life.”

Leighton remained silent until Casey faced her again. Then she smiled.

“Now that’s a compliment,” she said, her voice low and melodic. She squeezed Casey’s elbow. “Come. It’s time.”

At Leighton’s touch, Casey warmed all over. She inhaled, then exhaled, and didn’t choke. No stumbling or tripping, either. Whatever effect Leighton’s painting had on her seemed to have passed, and she relaxed. Maybe she’d survive her first day after all.

Apart from her stunning looks, what impressed Casey most about Leighton was the magnetic effect she had on everyone. By the time she’d called for the other students to join her in front of the elevator, they’d already drawn close, like tourists viewing The Starry Night over at MOMA.

“I’m Leighton. Welcome to Atelier Vaughn.” She did a head count. “This is a small compartment, so we’ll do this in two groups.” She held the doors open. “Second-year students, your codes and key cards are the same as last year. You’ll go first.”

Mark and Casey waited as the others filed by.

Erica tousled Mark’s hair as she passed him.

He leaned away from her touch, his cheeks reddening. “Hey. I didn’t see you come in.”

Her brown hair was a shade darker than his, but her legs were just as long, bringing her almost to his height. Where his shaggy bangs almost obscured his vision, she kept hers stylishly short.

Someone bumped into Casey. “Hey.” It was Devin.

She hadn’t seen him in months. He wore his blond hair longer now, and it looked like he’d started working out. She caught a whiff of his favorite cologne, one she’d never cared for. “Devin.” She tried to hide her annoyance in her quiet reply, but from the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Leighton watching them, which made her uneasy.

Erica inserted a card into a slot, and the doors slid shut.

As soon as the elevator began its ascent, Leighton pressed the button on the wall to summon it again. She faced them as they waited.

Not wanting her to think she was with Devin somehow, Casey stepped away from him to stand closer to Mark. She’d stood between them many times, but now it seemed strange.

Devin and Mark had been friends their freshman year. They played on the same intramural basketball team and had a handful of art classes together. It’d been a convenient friendship, born of proximity more than anything, and it’d fizzled when Casey and Devin’s romantic relationship had come to its disappointing end. While they all remained civil, Casey and Mark no longer interacted with Devin in social settings, even though Mark still saw him at work. Devin had gotten him a job at his family’s framing store.

Through Mark, Erica had become friends with Devin and had helped him get into Atelier Vaughn, too. Kismet? Maybe he’d remember to return Casey’s precious copy of The Art of Still Life.

Casey didn’t know the fourth student in their class, a young woman with curly hair and glasses.

“So, my first years.” Leighton crossed her arms and assessed them.

Everyone gave her their attention. Heat rushed to Casey’s cheeks when Leighton’s gaze lingered on her. Self-conscious, she shrugged out of her backpack for something to do, just in case the elevator’s small compartment required it for five of them to squeeze inside when it returned.

Mark did the same.

Casey expected some formal introductions to follow, but the lack thereof hung heavy in the air. It appeared Leighton’s confidence extended into silences. No one said anything until the elevator dinged its arrival, and they filed inside.

Casey entered last and jumped at the brush of Leighton’s hand across her lower back. Her flinch had to have been apparent, but when she turned, Leighton faced the panel of buttons like nothing had happened. Maybe she’d guided her to make sure everyone fit. If only the heat in Casey’s cheeks would cool before the crowded compartment came to a stop and she had to face everyone again. Her awareness of the warmth of Leighton’s body and the millimeters separating them consumed her attention.

Then the faint scent of a sweet perfume, light yet heady, drifted over her, caressing her senses. Before she could stop herself, she closed her eyes and breathed it in. It might not even have been Leighton’s—it could’ve been wafting off the woman with curly hair—but in that moment, if for Casey only, it was Leighton’s. She allowed herself to enjoy it as she faced forward until the doors opened and freed her from the claustrophobic confines and the scent that tempted her to think things she shouldn’t.

What greeted her when she exited the elevator made her heart beat faster. If she could fall in love at first sight with a room, she had. With its gleaming maple underfoot and perfect lighting, the grand floor plan extended before her. She glanced up at the high ceilings, the exposed ductwork, and the complex grid of lights hanging above the array of easels in the airy space and grinned, knowing this was where she’d spend most of her time over the next few years.

As Leighton rounded to address the group, she smiled at Casey as if she could read her thoughts. “Now that everyone’s together, let’s do some introductions. Come.” She strode away, the heels of her boots tapping against the floor.

She walked past a small kitchenette toward a cluster of older but comfortable-looking sofas and chairs that formed a ring around a large coffee table strewn with art books and magazines. Shelving filled with more of the same occupied the wall between two windows behind the furniture grouping, creating a tiny library.

A man who’d been sitting at the kitchen table eating a doughnut joined them. He was a couple inches shorter than Leighton, and definitely didn’t have her fashion sense. His baggy jeans and threadbare T-shirt looked straight from his hamper.

“Make yourselves at home.” Leighton leaned her hip against the end of a sofa, half-sitting and half-standing as she waited for everyone to settle.

Casey sank into a gray sofa, and Mark sat next to her with the curly-haired woman on her other side. A few people lowered themselves cross-legged onto the area rug with their backs resting against the plush furniture.

After Casey’s bizarre reactions to Leighton downstairs and in the elevator, being sandwiched between Mark and the woman beside her gave her some solace. But Leighton surveyed the group until she found her, and a fresh wave of uneasiness washed over her. What was going on? Casey studied her fingernails and attempted to brush off the unnerving feeling as jitters.

“I assume you all know who I am.” Leighton flashed a smile that held a hint of amusement. “So, I’d like to introduce you to your other instructor.” She extended her hand toward the man still munching on his doughnut. “This is Stefan Jovic. He graduated from Rhode Island School of Design, and he’s taught at various colleges and universities for more time than he’d like to admit. He’ll be sharing teaching duties with me. If I’m not in your class with you, Stefan will be. Be aware, you can bribe him with sweets.”

He nodded and stuffed the last bite in his mouth in agreement.

“To his right,” Leighton pointed, “is Erica Fitzgerald, our new teaching assistant.”

Casey could tell Erica was uncomfortable beneath the bright smile she gave everyone, but even Erica’s discomfort couldn’t dampen her elation at earning the position. She’d been talking about it for months.

“Erica completed her first year at the atelier and will help run the classes this year while she also continues her own studies. I don’t recommend trying her protein bites if she offers. They’re terrible.”

Erica chuckled and gave a little wave. “Hi, everyone. They’re healthy, not terrible. Leighton’s not a fan of flaxseed.”

“Flax is fine if it’s involved in making linen or linseed oil, but I draw the line at having it in my food.”

To Casey’s delight, Leighton looked haughtier than anyone had a right.

“We’re thrilled to have her assisting us, and I think you’ll learn a lot from her, even if she’s related to you.” Leighton winked at Mark.

The football player Casey hadn’t known lived inside her wanted to leap in front of him, body sprawled out, to intercept it. She wanted to clutch it to her chest and claim it as hers. For reasons she didn’t comprehend, she wished Leighton had winked at her. The realization bothered her, almost as much as her other reactions to Leighton did.

Her pulse pounded in her ears. First-day nerves, seeing Devin again, and her uneasiness since meeting Leighton caused her insides to surge. She tried to calm herself with a few deep breaths.

“Let’s start with you.” Leighton looked at the young man sitting on the floor beside Erica. “Please introduce yourself and tell us something about you unrelated to art.”

He wore a Rage Against the Machine hoodie that looked new and a Yankees hat that looked like it might have witnessed Babe Ruth call his shot. He gave her a crooked grin. “You always make me go first. For those who don’t know me, my name is Jaiden Delgado, and I’m the fourth of five kids and the only male.”

Great. Casey increased her focus on her breathing as her apprehension rose. What was she going to share? Something else to freak out about.

“Thank you, Jaiden. I can’t imagine what having four sisters is like. I often wondered last year if that’s why you spent so many hours in the studio.” Leighton laughed softly and looked to the guy sitting beside him. She raised her eyebrows in evident expectation.

In contrast to Casey, Leighton appeared calm and self-assured. With a hand on the back of the sofa to support herself, she’d crossed one booted leg over the other and ran her fingers through her wavy hair. Meanwhile, Casey’s anxiety bloomed. She’d never had a panic attack. Was this what it felt like? But what was she panicking over?

“Phoenix Murray,” the guy said.

His gentle voice seemed incongruous with his large, athletic body.

“My pronouns are he/him or they/them.”

Casey didn’t catch all he said.

“…played lacrosse at St. John’s.”

“Remind me. What position did you play?” Leighton looked to the ceiling as if trying to recall.

“Attacker.” When Leighton furrowed her brow, he explained. “I like to score.”

Jaiden snickered and flashed the room his perfect grin. Phoenix’s jab to Jaiden’s leg told them more about Phoenix than his lacrosse tidbit ever could.

Leighton failed to hold back her smile as she looked at Devin. “And you?”

“My name’s Devin Glasco. My family owns a framing business, and three generations of us work there.”

Casey already knew this. And didn’t a framing business have to do with art? Beyond a nostalgic moment of missing his grandfather’s homemade hot chocolate, dry humor, and cigar scent, Devin’s voice swept past as she battled her nerves.

“That’s wonderful, Devin. I’m sure you can enlighten us when it comes time to frame our works.” Leighton turned toward the woman with curly hair sitting beside Casey. “And you?”

Casey watched her lips move but missed what she said. Her smile appeared sincere and innocent, though.

“How long have you volunteered there, Jenna?”

“About three years.”

Casey tried to focus on the conversation while remembering to breathe. She’d missed whatever had started as a volunteer requirement for Jenna.

“Good for you, Jenna. And you?” Leighton directed the question to the brunette sitting on the floor in front of her, but her glance landed on Casey for a second or two.

Why did she keep doing that? Casey shifted nervously.

“I’m Mikala Ng. I’m a weekend warrior, National Guard, that is.” Her pride was as clear as her well-developed biceps in her gray camouflage T-shirt.

“If she needs them, Mikala will have extended deadlines following the weekend each month she trains, but her service is important.” Leighton gave Mikala a nod before turning toward Mark.

She grinned at him. “Now that you’re here, I’m hoping you’ll regale us with embarrassing stories or photos from Erica’s childhood.”

Mark chuckled. “Hey, I’m Mark. Erica’s my cousin if you hadn’t picked up on that. Uh, what can I tell you about me?” He scratched his head. “I enjoy playing NBA 2K23, if anyone’s into that.”

Jaiden held out his fist for a bump. “Oh, yeah.”

It was time, the moment Casey had been dreading.

Leighton turned to her and smiled. “I wanted to introduce you last.” She addressed the others but gestured in Casey’s direction. “I’d like to congratulate the recipient of the Shipton Endowment for the Arts Scholarship, Casey Norford.” She clapped, and everyone else joined in.

In an instant, Casey’s anxiety disappeared. Her hands no longer trembled, and she could breathe. Leighton’s smile and congratulations left her more euphoric than when she’d received the scholarship months ago.

The applause dwindled, and Leighton nodded at her.

“Thank you. Hi, I’m Casey.”

“Well, Casey. Tell us something about yourself.”

Casey had never liked her plain name, but she did when Leighton said it. The way she drew out the syllables in such a languid way made it sound beautiful. That didn’t help Casey in her quest for something interesting to say, though.

She didn’t have siblings or play video games. Where she’d earned her degree was boring. Besides, her education had fallen short of her expectations, so why draw attention to it? She didn’t have hobbies outside of art. Her life held no time for that. And, Leighton had asked for something non art-related. That eliminated her job at the art supply store.

So, with everyone’s focus on her, including Leighton’s, she chose. After all, the decision had been the most important she’d ever made. She included nothing about it in her application because she didn’t want it to influence her acceptance or rejection. It wasn’t something she could hide for long, though, nor would she want to. She chose the one thing that guided her every step. She inhaled and looked at Leighton.

“I have a two-year-old son. His name is Andy...”

“[Well,] you’re welcome to bring Andy when you do your volunteer hours in the gallery. I don’t want you to be away from him any more than necessary….He’ll have a ball in the enormous space and, I’m sure, charm potential customers.”

Then Casey received a wink [and]she thought she might burst. “Thank you. He’d like that. I’d like that.”

“Good.” Leighton seemed pleased. She moved on to [the next student].

This book is available from…

A bit about the author…

Alaina Erdell lives in Ohio with her partner and their three crazy but adorable cats. She has a degree in psychology from Gonzaga University. Prior to writing, she worked as a chef. When she’s not focused on writing lesbian fiction, she enjoys painting, cooking for friends and family, experimenting with molecular gastronomy, reading, kayaking, snorkeling, traveling, and spoiling her beloved nephews.

Want to learn more about Alaina Erdell? Check out her website and social media.

In the Shadow of Victory: A Lesbian Historical Novel (Shadow Series Book 4)

The details…

  • Title: In the Shadow of Victory
  • Author: J. E. Leak
  • Publisher‏:‎ Certifiably Creative LLC
  • Publication date: December 22, 2023‏
  • ISBN: ‏ 1955294089
  • Available formats: ebook, paperback
  • File size: 2322KB
  • Print length: ‏330 pages
  • Genre: historical romance
  • Themes: love, WW2, undercover government spying, espionage, women loving women, friendship, survival, loyalty, forgiveness

The blurb from the publisher…

Victory isn’t always the end of the story.

Paris, 1944.

As OSS agents Kathryn Hammond and Jenny Ryan navigate the dangerous world of espionage, they are faced with the ultimate test of love and loyalty. Can their love overcome the obstacles in their path, or have time and the shadows of the past cost them a second chance at happiness?

Join Kathryn and Jenny on their journey of forgiveness, healing, and devotion, as they discover the strength of their love in the thrilling conclusion to the sapphic noir Shadow series.

Note: This is the fourth and final book in the Shadow series. Reading the books in order is highly recommended.

My thoughts…

In the Shadow of Victory by J.E. Leak is a remarkable conclusion to the Shadow Series. It offers readers a captivating sapphic romance that seamlessly blends espionage, suspense, and love against a rich historical backdrop. The narrative takes readers on a thrilling journey through a landmark time in history, exploring the lives of two intriguing women as they find love and solace amidst the unease and destruction of World War II. This series has garnered much attention among sapphic readers, and it’s easy to see why.

One might think Leak has written at least a dozen books by the way this latest flows across its pages. However, In the Shadow of Victory is only her fourth book. With this, she has clearly demonstrated that she is a gifted and capable storyteller. Her ability to craft complex and relatable characters makes the storytelling stand out. The lead characters, Kathryn and Jenny, are both strong-willed and independent women who defy the societal norms and expectations of the era. She does a fantastic job developing them; their love story is beautifully depicted, employing a delicate balance of passion and tenderness.

Sapphic representation in literature is important as sapphic readers crave a broader range of perspectives and reading experiences. For this, Leak deserves high praise for her portrayal of Kathryn and Jenny. Their wlw representation is beautifully crafted and comes across as authentic and heartfelt, especially considering the historical time period. Leak incorporates the social issues and obstacles faced by lesbians with sensitivity, and this further highlights Kathryn and Jenny’s determination to live authentic lives despite the societal pressures. Readers feel like their love affair is celebrated with sensitivity and devotion, and because its development feels organic and genuine, the romance works. In the end, Kathryn and Jenny’s love is the natural evolution of two souls drawn together against societal constraints, government obligations and war. It has impact and it sticks with readers long after they finish the last chapter.

Not only does Leak do a wonderful job developing Kathryn and Jenny as a couple, she shines at developing their individual personas as well. These are relatable, complex characters. Each one grapples with unique insecurities and pressures due to their obligations to the war. This complicates their relationship to one another as well as their loyalty to the OSS. Leak threads this well-scripted tension neatly throughout the narrative and readers find themselves easily connecting with Kathryn and Jenny—vulnerabilities, flaws and all.

As significant as Kathryn and Jenny are, they don’t work without their supporting cast. These secondary characters have always been notable contributors to the Shadow Series’s story arc and they continue to do a remarkable job in this final installment. These characters complement the storytelling with their well-drawn design, adding depth and nuance to the narrative. Furthermore, their distinct traits and motivations contribute in meaningful ways without overshadowing Kathryn and Jenny. From friends and family to fellow spies and adversaries, each person plays a compelling, crucial role in the storytelling.

Because In the Shadow of Victory is a historical fiction, I would be remiss not to mention how well played Leak’s knowledge of World War II is within this story. Set against the backdrop of the war, Leak creates an immersive story world for readers. Her meticulous attention to historical details easily transports them into the chaos of war-torn Europe, creating believable drama and tension. What’s more, she seamlessly weaves the events of WWII into the narrative with masterful grace, making the storytelling read as authentic. All in all, these sharp-eyed details provide an engaging depth that any history enthusiast would appreciate.

Final remarks…

Leak’s In the Shadow of Victory is sure to keep readers flipping pages long into the night. The storytelling is as captivating as it is praiseworthy. If you enjoy well-researched historical fiction with queer representation, then this book is definitely worth adding to your TBR pile.


  • Immersive storytelling
  • Captivating characters
  • Well-constructed story world
  • Well-developed secondary characters
  • Historically authentic

This book is available from…

A bit about the author…

J.E. Leak was born in Washington, DC, and grew up on the beautiful South Jersey shores of Long Beach Island. An antiques conservator by trade, she has always been fascinated by history and the stories objects could tell if they could speak. When she isn’t bingeing 1940s noir films, she’s writing or photographing nature on the spring-fed azure rivers of Central Florida. She has an Associate of Science degree in graphic design and is a devoted night owl. To learn more about her, click on the links below.


The details…

  • Title: Leverage
  • Author: E. J. Noyes
  • Publisher: Bella Books
  • Publication date: November 16, 2023
  • Available formats: ebook, paperback, audiobook
  • File size: 4071 KB
  • Print length: 371 pages
  • Audiobook length: 10 hours and 11 minutes; narrated by Abby Craden
  • Genre: Romantic Action & Suspense
  • Themes: spies, foreign terrorists, government corruption, undercover intelligence agencies, long distance love affairs, national security, women loving women

The blurb from the publisher…

Last month, intelligence analyst Lexie Martin found out a secret that could ruin lives. After a week on the run from her own government with her maybe-almost girlfriend, Sophia Flores, Lexie was forced to turn herself in and accept her punishment. But that punishment never came….

Aside from Lexie’s confusion about the whys of her release, things seem to be okay—she’s free, back at work, and is officially dating Sophia, which is way better than just okay. But when you embarrass the most powerful man in the country, you risk incurring his petty wrath, and when Lexie is reassigned back into a field position in a hostile country, she’s sure it’s retaliation for knowing the truth and that the president is going to leverage what Lexie did to keep her in line.

Now Lexie has a new mission. Make it home to the woman she loves.

My thoughts…

Leverage is Noyes’s second book in the Halcyon Division Series, and it proves to be well worth the wait. I can’t speak too much about the plot without spoiling it for readers, but know this: This book is one high-speed ride of intensity. Minds will be blown.

Inarguably, Noyes is a gifted storyteller. This latest book is just one more example of why readers are excited each time she pens a new tale. Leverage’s story arc is neatly scripted and smoothly blended with well-developed character arcs, making this one smartly-executed novel. Few people can capture a reading audience like Noyes, so it should surprise no one that Leverage is hard to put down.

This is a fast-paced novel; Noyes keeps readers on their toes throughout. They are constantly surprised and never know what to expect. Even as they try to stay ahead of the plot guessing game, Noyes only gives them enough to raise more questions and spike their adrenaline. Nevertheless, readers are easily drawn to the actions and motivations of these characters, and it makes for some exciting, page-turning fun. It’s pure Noyes storytelling, and fans won’t want it to end!

Leverage basically picks up where book one left off. However, new players are introduced in this ‘who’s who’ spy thriller. Readers aren’t sure who to trust and are surprised by those that are trustworthy. It all adds up to some interesting twists and turns, ones that definitely have readers’ hearts beating for Lexie and Sophia’s well-being.

Lexie is still positioned as the narrator of this adrenaline-filled thriller; that hasn’t changed. Readers have come to know her as a kind and smart character with a cutting sense of humor; her winsome personality never fails to enamor them. Furthermore, her sharp and intelligent perspective continues to add color to the first-person narrative, providing readers with an intimate view of the story world. Noyes uses it to her advantage, and the readers’ experience is all the richer for it.

Once again, Sophia plays Lexie’s love interest. She’s an extremely likable character, and readers are no doubt glad to see her again. As always, she plays a pivotal and impactful role in the storytelling. However, it’s the addition of Lexie’s partner that’s most welcome. He gives appreciative depth to the narrative; his presence pushes it in the most surprising and endearing ways. Readers will want to see more of him in book three.

Final remarks…

If you read Integrity, then you won’t want to miss out on Leverage. Noyes changes things up a bit in book two, making some clever choices to heighten interest and keep readers flipping pages. This is a must-read for fans of suspense thrillers; it does not disappoint. My only caution—be prepared to immediately want book 3!


  • Well-paced and well-plottted
  • Captivating
  • Fast-paced
  • Well-developed storyline
  • Engaging characters
  • Leaves one wanting more

This book is available from…

A bit about the author…

E. J. Noyes is an Australian transplanted to New Zealand which may be one of the best things that’s happened to her. She lives with her wife and the best cat in the world.

She started writing because she was bored and had “ideas” and thought writing might free up some brain space. It didn’t. Now she’s addicted and spends much of her free time bashing out words while more new words jostle for attention.

In her scant free time, E. J. scream-swears at computer games, tries to sleep past dawn, coos at her cat and works the fact she’s a best-selling and award-winning author into conversation.

E. J. loves to procrastinate, so feel free to get in contact so she can read that instead of doing work. Here’s her links:

The Apple Diary

The details…

  • Title: The Apple Diary
  • Author: Gerri Hill
  • Publisher: Bella Books
  • Publication date: December 19, 2023Available formats: ebook, paperback, audiobook
  • Print length: 304 pages
  • Audiobook length: 9 hours and 2 minutes (Tantor Audio, Narrator Abby Craden)
  • Genre: romance
  • Themes: women love women, romance, family history, family business, family loyalty, soul mates, love, apple farming, friendship
  • Tropes: friends to lovers, toaster oven, coming out

The blurb from the publisher…

After the death of her grandmother, reluctant heiress Madilyn Marak agrees to stay with her grandfather at the estate for the summer. There, she finds an old diary hidden in an antique desk in the attic—The Apple Diary—written by her great-grandmother Isabel.

In there, she finds the love story of Isabel and Lorah, along with a photograph of the two young women from 1933. The diary, like the love affair, was short and brief, but rich and vivid enough for her to feel a true bond with the women despite the heartbreaking ending.

She is determined to get Isabel’s beloved apple orchard vibrant again. She hires the inexperienced Dylan Hayes, a woman soon to be homeless, to take on the chore of restoring the orchard to its original glory.

The normally quiet and reserved Madilyn finds a new joy in life as she becomes friends with the outgoing and energetic woman who has come to live on the property. As she is transformed from a stoic and passive heiress to a happy and spirited woman, she realizes the similarities of her journey and that of Isabel’s.

Like Isabel, is she destined to marry a man she doesn’t love? Or will she find the strength that eluded Isabel and follow her heart?

My thoughts…

Set in the rolling, lush landscape near Lancaster, Pennsylvania, The Apple Diary introduces readers to several intriguing characters: Madilyn, Dylan, Isabel, and Lorah. Though time and space separate some of these women, all are connected in the most interesting and intriguing ways. They come to life under Hill’s creative direction as she supplies each of them with their own unique personalities, dreams, and insecurities. These characters have flaws and struggles, and their story arcs initiate changes in them—some happy, some sad. Nonetheless, readers connect with them, making this a resonating read.

The character development is strong and well-crafted. Hill skillfully portrays the characters’ experiences, their relationships, and their personal journeys in a way that really reverberates within readers. What’s more, Hill places these unique and interesting characters inside an immersive story world—one that comes alive through vivid, rich descriptions. Her attention to detail enables readers to be transported into the heart of the story, easily demonstrating why readers enjoy her stories so much.

Intriguing characters are not the only thing that stands out in this book, though. Strong storytelling and engaging dialogue are also strengths. Readers will appreciate Hill’s ability to move the plot along smoothly through character dialogue and action, all while navigating two separate time periods. Because Hill understands the importance of pace in storytelling, The Apple Diary’s narrative comes alive with her skillful use. She knows exactly when to speed up the tempo and when to slow it down, allowing readers to appreciate the tension and emotion in the scenes. This, coupled with a solid structure, keeps each chapter flowing seamlessly into the next, creating a cohesive and engaging story.

Finals remarks…

Hill has always been known for captivating storylines and well-developed characters, so it should surprise no one that The Apple Diary is an enchanting, heartwarming story that will leave one wanting more. Readers will appreciate her intriguing storyline and immersive story world. It explores a variety of themes that are both relatable and thought-provoking. Through the journeys of these characters, Hill reminds readers of how important the power of self-acceptance is. Even when faced with societal expectations and judgment, being true to oneself can be paramount to happiness.

Additional note…

I had the pleasure of experiencing this story via audiobook. Abby Craden does an exceptional job with this story. Her character work is top-notch. She has become the go-to narrator for many sapphic writers because her performance is impeccable, and this narration is no different. She makes a good story even better, and one can’t ask for more than that from a narrator. I highly recommend listening to ANY book she narrates.


  • Intriguing storyline
  • Captivating characters
  • Thought provoking themes
  • Immerse story world
  • Sound storytelling

This book is available from…

A bit about the author…

Gerri began writing lesbian romance as a way to amuse herself while snowed in one winter in the mountains of Colorado and she hasn’t looked back. Her first published work came in 2000 with One Summer Night. Since then she has produced nearly forty books, including the recent GCLS winners The Neighbor, Paradox Valley and The Midnight Moon. In addition, Devil’s RockHell’s Highway and Snow Falls have all won Goldies, along with the 2009 GCLS winner Partners, the third book in the popular Hunter Series. At Seventeen, a story about first love and second chances, was a 2013 Lambda finalist as well.

Gerri lives in south-central Texas, only a few hours from the Gulf Coast, a place that has inspired many of her books. With her partner, Diane, they share their life with two Australian Shepherd’s—Casey and Cooper—and a couple of furry felines. Her love of nature and the great outdoors usually makes its way into her stories as her characters often find themselves in beautiful natural settings. To learn more about Gerri and her books, check out her website and social media.

Out at the Plate: The Dot Wilkinson Story

The details…

  • Title: Out at the Plate: The Dot Wilkinson Story
  • Author: Lynn Ames
  • Publisher: Chicago Review Press
  • Publication date: October 17, 2023
  • Available formats: ebook, paperback, audiobook
  • Print length: 241 pages
  • Audiobook length: 6 hours (Narrator: Stephanie Németh-Parker)
  • Genre: biography
  • Themes: women’s sports, professional softball, family, friends, love

The blurb from the publisher…

It’s not simply that Dot Wilkinson was one of the most decorated women’s softball players, bowlers, and athletes of all time and one of the original players from the three-time-world-champion PBSW Phoenix Ramblers softball team (1933–1965). Nor was it the length of her time here on Earth—over a century—although any of these things by itself would be impressive.

The magic of Dot’s story is in the details. It’s the tale of a childhood spent in poverty, an indomitable, unbreakable spirit, a determination to be the very best to play whatever sport she undertook, the independence to live her personal life on her own terms, and her tremendous success at all of it.

Over more than a decade of countless conversations and interviews, Dot shared all of it with her dear friend, author Lynn Ames. Dot held nothing back. Out at the Plate, told through the lens of Dot and Lynn’s friendship, is the story of a forgotten era in women’s history and sports, and one extraordinary woman’s place at the center of it all.

My thoughts…

Out at the Plate: The Dot Wilkinson Story by Lynn Ames is a captivating biography that chronicles the remarkable journey of Dot Wilkinson, a trailblazing athlete who shattered gender barriers and paved the way for future athletes in women’s sports. Through meticulous research and passionate storytelling, Ames takes readers on a thrilling ride, delving into Dot’s early childhood in Phoenix, her professional ball-playing days with the PBSW Ramblers, and her inspiring twilight years. Drawing from the unique bond she shared with Dot, Ames puts a warm spotlight on Dot’s resilience, compassion, and commitment—not just for athletics but for all the treasured things in her life.

Although Ames is most known for her sapphic fiction, Out at the Plate clearly demonstrates that she’s a natural at capturing the beauty and essence of one’s life. This book not only pays homage to Dot Wilkinson’s incredible legacy but also sheds light on the struggles she faced during a time when women’s talents were often disregarded. The narrative is deeply rooted in softball history and offers readers a glimpse into the challenges female athletes faced during the mid-20th century. From the societal norms of the time to the camaraderie of teammates and coaches, Ames paints a vivid picture of Dot’s life.

Ames’ writing style is captivating, drawing readers in from the very first page. Her prose is eloquent and evocative, showcasing Dot’s experiences on the baseball diamond as well as off it. The structure is well-paced and smooth, transitioning seamlessly between Dot’s early years, her time with the Ramblers, and her life after softball. Ames skillfully weaves together historical facts and personal anecdotes with clarity and depth, creating a narrative that is both informative and emotionally compelling.

Final remarks…

Out at the Plate: The Dot Wilkinson Story is a commendable tribute to a true pioneer, one that helped transform the game of softball forever. Ames gracefully captures the essence of Dot’s journey, and it truly resonates with readers. This book not only celebrates Dot’s achievements but also serves as a reminder to give thanks to those that came before us; without trailblazers like Dot, we would still be trying to navigate a rough course. This inspiring true tale of perseverance and triumph is a must-read for anyone interested in women’s sports.


  • Inspiring
  • Captivating
  • Engaging
  • Resonating

This book is available from:

A bit about the author…

Lynn is the best-selling author of sixteen novels covering genres as diverse as historical fiction, thrillers, and contemporary romance. Lynn’s fiction has garnered her a multitude of awards and honors, including six Goldie awards, the coveted Ann Bannon Popular Fiction Award (for All That Lies Within), the Alice B. Medal for Lifetime Achievement, and the Arizona Book Award for Best Gay/Lesbian book. Lynn is a two-time Lambda Literary Award (Lammy) finalist, a Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Award finalist, a Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards Honorable Mention winner, and winner of several Rainbow Reader Awards.

Lynn is the founder of Phoenix Rising Press. She is also a former press secretary to the New York state senate minority leader and spokesperson for the nation’s third-largest prison system. For more than half a decade, she was an award-winning broadcast journalist. She has been editor of a critically acclaimed national magazine and a nationally recognized speaker and public relations professional with a particular expertise in image, crisis communications planning, and crisis management.

Lynn, her wife, Cheryl Pletcher, and their various fur kids reside in Asheville, North Carolina.

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